Manuale Zoch Kurz vor knapp

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Course of the GameCourse of the Game
You win if you get rid of all your own cylinders.
The player who is sitting closest to the nearest door begins the game.
On each turn, you connect two cylinders, using a building bar.
Use only your eyes! Don‘t use any of your fingers or other auxiliary
means for estimating lengths and distances.
In doing so, always observe these 3 BUILDING RULES:
On your turn
Before your turn
1. Use only the outermost bar of the spiral. This is the building bar.
2. Connect only those cylinders that are at the same height (i.e., the same level).
3. No more than two bars may lie on any cylinder.
estimate the length of the bar.
Look at the building bar. Try to estimate its length.
choose a pair of cylinders in the playing area.
These are the two cylinders you want to connect using the building
If you don‘t find any cylinders that you are able or willing to
connect, your game turn ends now.
show the other players the cylinders you have chosen.
In doing so, don‘t touch any bars or cylinders in the playing area.
it can now happen that somebody snatches your game turn away
from you.
In turn, one after another, the other players may claim that they are able to build at a higher
level (see example). If, in doing so, somebody “bids“ a level that isn‘t exceeded by any of the
subsequent players, he snatches this game turn away from you. With immediate effect, it
becomes his game turn. Now he shows the cylinders he has chosen.
check whether the building bar is still the same bar as it was on your previous turn. In this case,
remove it from the game. Use the next bar of the spiral.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 4.94 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Zoch
Modello Kurz vor knapp
Categoria Giochi da tavolo
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 4.94 MB

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