Manuale Zoch Kurz vor knapp

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by Helmut & Tobias Punke
In this game, you need good visual judgment. By just looking carefully, without using your hands, you
try to figure out which cylinders you can connect by placing bars of various lengths. Will you manage
to estimate the distances perfectly? And can you outdo the other players by placing bars on the highest
possible levels? If you also build in your own cylinders with foresight, dexterity and cleverness, you might
win the game.
Game MaterialsGame Materials
Set-up of the Game Set-up of the Game
1 cord 54 cylinders24 bars
Tie the ends
of the cord
together and
form a circular
playing area in
the middle of
the table.
• Lay all bars in random order, forming a
spiral around the outside of the cord.
The bars can be arranged in any order; however,
you have to end up with four particularly long
bars at the outer end of the spiral.
• Give cylinders
to each player:
Each player adds one of his cylinders to the
cylinders in the playing area
Put surplus cylinders back into the box!
• Spread out 10 cylinders
within the entire playing
All cylinders (at the same level) must have enough
distance between each other so that another cylinder
could fit between them. Never place cylinders closer
than that to each other!
8+ 2–4 30
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 4.94 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Zoch
Modello Kurz vor knapp
Categoria Giochi da tavolo
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 4.94 MB

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