Manuale Candy FXH 629VX Forno

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This equipment, in the parts intended to come into contact with food,
complies with the regulations laid down in EEC directives 89/109.
By placing the mark on this product, we are confirming
compliance to all relevant European safety, health and environmental
requirements which are applicable in legislation for this product.
•The oven must be used only for the purpose for which it was
designed. It must only be used for cooking food. Any other use, e.g. as
a form of heating, is an improper use of the oven and is therefore
•The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any damage
caused by improper, incorrect or unreasonable use.
When using any electrical appliance you must follow a few basic rules.
- Do not pull on the power cable to remove the plug from the socket.
- Do not touch the oven with wet or damp hands or feet.
- Do not use the oven unless you are wearing something on your feet.
- It is not generally a good idea to use adapters, multiple sockets for
several plugs or cable extensions.
- If the oven breaks down or develops a fault switch it off at the mains
and do not touch it.
• If the cable is damaged it must be replaced promptly.
When replacing the cable, follow these instructions.
Remove the power cable and replace it with one of the H05VV-F type.
The cable must be able to bear the electrical current required by the
oven.Cable replacement must be carried out by properly qualified
The earthing cable (yellow-green) must be 10 mm longer than the
power cable.
Use only an approved service centre for repairs and ensure that only
original parts are used. If the above instructions are not adhered to the
manufacturers cannot guarantee the safety of the oven.
•The oven you have just acquired has the described technical
characteristics and you must not make any modifications to it.
•Do not store flammable products in the oven; they can catch fire if the
oven comes on accidentally.
•Do not press on and do not let children sit on the oven door.
•Use kitchen oven gloves, when putting into or removing a dish from
the oven.
Code produit:
Numéro de série :
After each use of the oven, a minimum of cleaning will help keep the
oven perfectly clean.
• Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or single-use protection
available from stores. Aluminium foil or any other protection, in direct
contact with the hot enamel, risks melting and deteriorating the
enamel of the insides.
• In order to prevent excessive dirtying of your oven and the resulting
strong smokey smells, we recommend not using the oven at very high
temperature. It is better to extend the cooking time and lower the
temperature a little.
Identification plate
05 GB
•In addition to the
accessories supplied with the oven, we advise you only use dishes
and baking moulds resistant
to very high Temperatures.
The manufacturers have no obligation to carry this out. If the
assistance of the manufacturer is required to rectify faults arising from
incorrect installation, this assistance is not covered by the guarantee.
The installation instructions for professionally qualified personnel
must be followed. Incorrect installation may cause harm or injury to
people, animals or belongings. The manufacturer cannot be held
responsible for such harm or injury.
The kitchen unit in which the oven is to be fitted must be made of
material resistant to temperatures of at least 70°C.
The oven can be located high in a column or under a worktop.
Before fixing, you must ensure good ventilation in the oven space to
allow proper circulation of the fresh air required for cooling and
protecting the internal parts. Make the openings specified on last page
according to the type of fitting.
The installation receiving the appliance must comply with the standard
in force in the installation country.
The manufacturer does not accept any responsibility if this provision is
not complied with.
Connection to the network must be by earthed socket outlet, or by
means of a multipole circuit-breaker, in compliance with the
installation country.
The installation must be protected by suitable fuses, and have wires
with a large enough cross-section to supply the oven normally.
The oven is fitted with a power lead for connecting exclusively to a
voltage of 220-240 V AC across the phases or across phase and
Connection must be carried out having first checked:
-the supply voltage indicated on the meter,
The lead protection wire (green/yellow) connected to the earth
terminal of the oven must be connected to the earth terminal of the
•Have the earth continuity of the installation checked by an electrician
before making the connection.
•The manufacturer will not be liable for any incident, or the possible
consequences that may arise from the use of the oven not earthed, or
connected to an earth with defective continuity.
NB: Do not forget that the oven may require after-sales service.
Also, locate the socket outlet so that the oven can be connected once
it is removed from its space.
Power supply cable: If the power supply cable has to be changed,
please have this done by the after-sales service or by someone with
similar qualifications.
Read the instructions carefully to make the most of your oven. We recommend you keep the instructions for installation and use for later reference,
and before installing the oven, note its serial number in case you need to get help from the after-sales service.
When you have unpacked the oven, make sure that it has not been damaged in any way. If you have any doubts at all, do not to use it. Contact a
professionally qualified person. Keep packing materials such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or nails out of the reach of children because they are
dangerous to children.
The company shall not be liable if the instructions provided in this document are not complied with.
! NOTE: Functions, properties and accessories of ovens which are mentioned in this manual, can be change depending on oven models.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 4.89 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Candy
Modello FXH 629VX
Categoria Forni
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 4.89 MB

Tutti i manuali per Candy Forni
Altri manuali di Forni

Domande frequenti su Candy FXH 629VX Forno

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Il mio forno non si scalda abbastanza, cosa devo fare? Verificato

Il termostato fa sì che il forno si scaldi fino alla temperatura desiderata. Il termostato potrebbe essere difettoso e andrebbe sostituito. In caso di dubbi, si prega di contattare il produttore.

È stato utile (2738) Per saperne di più

Che cos’è la pirolisi? Verificato

Alcuni forni sono dotati di una funzione di pirolisi. Questo sistema di pulizia brucia lo sporco e i grassi nel forno grazie alle alte temperature. Dopo la pirolisi, tutto lo sporco si trasforma in polvere e può essere rimosso facilmente. In caso il forno disponga della funzione di pirolisi, si consiglia di utilizzarla 3/4 volte l’anno, per mantenere il forno pulito.

È stato utile (2666) Per saperne di più

Si possono preparare più cose contemporaneamente utilizzando più teglie? Verificato

Sì, tecnicamente sì. Tuttavia, dipende da cosa bisogna preparare e se è necessario regolare il tempo di cottura o spostare le teglie durante la cottura.

È stato utile (687) Per saperne di più

Quando utilizzo il forno ci sono spesso dei resti che cadono sul fondo, provocando del fumo. Come posso evitare che questo accada? Verificato

Molti forni sono dotati di una griglia e di una teglia. Quando si preparano degli alimenti sulla griglia, la teglia può essere posizionata sotto di essa per evitare che i resti cadano sul fondo e provochino del fumo.

È stato utile (656) Per saperne di più

Perché si accumula del fumo nel forno mentre si riscalda? Verificato

Probabilmente sono rimasti dei resti di cibo nel forno. In particolare i resti di cibi unti possono produrre fumo quando vengono riscaldati. Si consiglia di pulire accuratamente il forno.

È stato utile (637) Per saperne di più
Manuale Candy FXH 629VX Forno

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