Manuale Black and Decker GL580 Tagliabordi

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Never fit metal cutting line.
Always wear safety glasses when using
your machine.
To protect your feet, always wear stout shoes
or boots (not bare footed or wearing open
Wear long trousers to protect your legs - any
debris left on the lawn or cutting path may be
picked up and ejected by the cutting line.
Using your machine
Always use your machine in the manner outlined
in this manual. Your machine is designed to be
used in an upright position and if it is used in any
other way an injury may result.
Before using your machine, disconnect it from
the electrical supply and visually inspect the
rotating parts for damage. Also, check that the
spool assembly is secure.
Always check that your lawn or cutting path is
clear of all sticks, stones, wire and other
debris. Contact with such debris may damage
your machine.
Keep your machine away from your feet and
other parts of your body when switching on and
during operation.
Do not switch on your machine when it is
upside down.
Walk, never run with the unit.
Do not use your machine in the rain and do not
allow it to get wet.
Use your machine only in daylight or good
artificial light.
Do not cross gravel paths or roads whilst the
cutting line is rotating.
Do not cut excessively steep slopes. Be sure of
your footing and cut across the face of slopes,
never up and down.
Never use your machine with a damaged guard
(6) or without the guard fixed in position.
Be careful when trimming as freshly cut grass is
damp and slippery.
Safety of others
Never allow children or persons who are
unfamiliar with this type of machine to use it,
nor anyone who has not read this leaflet.
Do not allow children, animals or other adults
near your machine when in use - always keep
them well away from the cutting area.
Care of your machine
Store your machine in a dry place when not in
use, out of the reach of children.
Do not use solvents or cleaning fluids to clean
your machine - use a blunt scraper to remove
grass and dirt. Always disconnect from the
electrical supply and ensure the cutting line (5) is
stationary before cleaning.
Do not operate your machine if any parts are
Do not attempt to remove any parts other than
those mentioned in these instructions.
Use only Black & Decker recommended
replacement parts and accessories.
Electrical safety
Your machine should always be switched off at the
mains before disconnecting any plug and socket
connector or extension cables.
Fuse replacement
Your machine is supplied with cable fitted with a
non-wireable plug.
The plug is fitted with a 5 amp fuse which is the
recommended fuse for your machine.
Only use replacement fuses which are approved
to BS1362.
When changing the fuse in your plug, always
ensure the fuse cover is refitted. If the fuse cover
is missing or damaged do not use the plug.
Note: Fuses do not give personal protection against
electric shock.
Increased safety can be obtained by having a qualified
electrician install a high sensitivity (30mA) circuit
breaker in the house wiring. If you do not have such a
circuit breaker installed, or you do not wish to have
one installed, then we strongly recommend that the
electrical power to the machine be supplied through a
high sensitivity residual current device (RCD). The RCD
is designed to provide a high degree of personal
protection against harmful electric current should fault
conditions occur.
The recommended Black & Decker RCD is available
from your nearest Black & Decker service centre.
Warning! The use of an RCD or other circuit breaker
unit does not release the operator of the machine
from the safety instructions and safe working
practices given in this manual.
Extension cables
You can use up to 100 feet (30 metres) of
Black & Decker 2-core extension cable without
undue loss of power.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.38 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Black and Decker
Modello GL580
Categoria Tagliabordi
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.38 MB

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