Manuale Bestway BW56260 Piscina

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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a suitable base for the Frame Set pool?
Almost any completely flat, solid, level surface can be used. Do not use sand as a leveling material as it is prone to shifting under the pool. The ground should be dug out until it is perfectly level. Do not set up on driveways,
decks, platforms, gravel or asphalt. The ground should be firm enough to withstand the weight and pressure of the water: mud, sand, soft / loose soil or tar are not suitable. A concrete base can be used but care should be
taken not to drag the pool across the surface as abrasions could tear the liner. If the pool is to be set up on a lawn, it is recommended that the grass is removed from where the pool will sit as it will die and may cause odors /
slime. Certain types of hardy grass can grow through the liner as can aggressive bushes / plants by the side of the pool. Ensure adjacent vegetation is cut back where necessary. Use of a ground cloth assists in protecting the
base of the pool.
2. How will I know if my pool is set up on unleveled ground?
If your pool appears to be bulging on one side it is not set up on level ground. It is important that you empty your pool and move the pool to a level site. If the pool is not on level ground it will place undue stress on the
seams and could result in the seams bursting which will cause flooding, property damage and potentially personal injury or death.
Fill your pool following the instructions in the owner’s manual carefully. This will ensure that you do not waste water and the pool can be moved easily so that the ground can be leveled at an appropriate time and not after
you have completely filled it with water.
3. Can I have my pool filled by a water service?
We recommend using a garden hose under low pressure for filling your pool. If it is necessary to use a water delivery service, it is best to fill the pool with one inch of water by hose and smooth wrinkles first. Use a water
service that is able to regulate the flow of water to prevent damage. Ensure you stop at each step as noted in the instruction manual to ensure your pool is level. Bestway will not be held responsible for pools damaged or
weakened by water delivery services.
4. What is the maximum fill height of the pool?
Fill pool until water capacity is 90% up to the bottom of the top rail of the pool. Never attempt to fill your pool beyond the base of the rail. We recommend leaving extra room to account for water displacement when
occupants are inside the pool. You may have to top up the water during the season which has been lost through evaporation or normal use.
5. My pool is leaking, what do I do to fix it?
The pool does not need to be emptied to fix any holes. Self-adhesive underwater repair patches can be purchased at your local pool / hardware store. For external use, use the repair patch provided. For internal holes,
clean the hole on the inside of the pool to wipe off any oils and algae. Cut a circle large enough to cover the hole and apply the patch securely onto the side in the water. Cut a second patch and apply to the outside of the pool
for extra strength. If the hole is in the base of the pool use one patch only and weigh it down with a heavy object while it bonds. If you have patched the pool when it is empty we recommend you leave it at least 12 hours
before filling.
6. Where can I buy filter cartridges and how often should I change them?
Filter cartridges to fit your filter pump should be available from the store where you purchased your pool. If not, most mass retailers sell filter cartridges as an accessory. If you are unable to obtain replacements please call
our toll-free number and we will assist you in finding a source local to you. The cartridges should be changed every 2 weeks dependent upon use of the pool. Check the filter on a weekly basis and clean by hosing down any
debris and particles. Note: Ensure your pump is disconnected from the electrical supply before checking the filter cartridge.You can also visit our website for cartridge purchase.
7. How many times a year should I change the water?
This is dependant on the amount of use the pool receives, and the attention paid to covering the pool and keeping chemicals properly balanced. If maintained correctly the water should last a full summer season. Please
contact your local pool chemical supplier for detailed information regarding chemicals, they will be able to advise you how to best maintain the cleanliness of your water.
8. Do I need to take my pool down for the winter?
Yes, Above-ground pools may collapse under the weight of ice and snow and the PVC walls will be damaged. We recommend taking the pool down when temperatures fall below 8ºC / 45ºF. The pool should be stored
indoors in a moderate temperature between 5ºC / 41ºF and 38ºC / 100ºF. Please store away from chemicals and rodents and out of the reach of children.
9. My pool is fading – why is that?
Excessive use of chemicals can cause the color of the inside of the liner to fade; this is similar to a swimsuit fading over time from repeated contact with chlorinated water.
10. How many years will the pool last?
There is no set time limit for the pool to last; following the instructions in the owner’s manual and with proper care, maintenance and storage you can considerably increase the life of your pool. Improper set-up, use or care
can result in failure of the pool.
11. Do you recommend the use of a filter pump with a Bestway pool?
Absolutely! We strongly recommend you the use of a filter pump which could maintain the water of the pool clean.
12. Which are the most important functions of my filter pump?
The most important function of a filter pump is the elimination of every sort of impurity from the water by the aid of a filter cartridge and chemical products for its sterilization.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 14.22 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Bestway
Modello BW56260
Categoria Piscine
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 14.22 MB

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