Manuale Candy FCXP625NXL Forno

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WARNING: the appliance and accessible parts become hot during use. Be careful not to touch any
hot parts.
•WARNING: the accessible parts can become hot when the oven is in use. Children must be kept at a
safe distance.
•WARNING: ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the bulb, to avoid the possibility
of electric shocks.
•WARNING: before initiating the automatic cleaning cycle:
- Clean the oven door;
- Remove large or coarse food residues from the inside of the oven using a damp sponge. Do not use
- Remove all accessories and the sliding rack kit (where present);
- Do not place tea towels
In ovens with meat probe it is necessary, before making the cleaning cycle, close the hole with the nut
provided.Always close the hole with the nut when the meat probe is not used.
•Children under 8 must be kept at a safe distance from the appliance if not continuously supervised.
•Children must not play with the appliance. The appliance can be used by those aged 8 or over and by
those with limited physical, sensorial or mental capacities, without experience or knowledge of the
product, only if supervised or provided with instruction as to the operation of the appliance, in a safe
way with awareness of the possible risks.
•Cleaning and maintenance should not be carried out by unsupervised children.
•Do not use rough or abrasive materials or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glasses, as
they can scratch the surface and cause the glass to shatter.
•The oven must be switched off before removing the removable parts and, after cleaning, reassemble
them according the instructions.
•Only use the meat probe recommended for this oven.
•Do not use a steam cleaner for cleaning operations.
Connect a plug to the supply cable that is able to bear the voltage, current and load indicated on the
tag and having the earth contact. The socket must be suitable for the load indicated on the tag and
must be having the earth contact connected and in operation. The earth conductor is yellow-green in
colour. This operation should be carried out by a suitably qualified professional. In case of
incompatibility between the socket and the appliance plug, ask a qualified electrician to substitute the
socket with another suitable type. The plug and the socket must be conformed to the current norms of
the installation country. Connection to the power source can also be made by placing an omnipolar
breaker between the appliance and the power source that can bear the maximum connected load and
that is in line with current legislation. The yellow-green earth cable should not be interrupted by the
breaker. The socket or omnipolar breaker used for the connection should be easily accessible when
the appliance is installed.
•The disconnection may be achieved by having the plug accessible or by incorporating a switch in the
fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
•If the power cable is damaged, it must be substituted with a cable or special bundle available from the
manufacturer or by contacting the customer service department.
•The type of power cable must be H05V2V2-F.
•Failure to comply with the above can compromise the safety of the appliance and invalidate the
•Any excess of spilled material should be removed before cleaning.
•During the pyrolytic cleaning process, surfaces can heat up more than usual, children must therefore
be kept at a safe distance.
•The appliance must not be installed behind a decorative door in order to avoid overheating.
•When you place the shelf inside, make sure that the stop is directed upwards and in the back of the
The shelf must be inserted completely into the cavity
WARNING: Do not line the oven walls with aluminum foil or single-use protection available from
stores. Aluminum foil or any other protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risk melting and
deteriorating the enamel of the insides.
WARNING: Never remove the oven door seal.
Safety Indications
EN 02
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stjepan 15-12-2022
Forno BEKO, sotto non cuoce, sopra OK.

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Marca Candy
Modello FCXP625NXL
Categoria Forni
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 7.75 MB

Tutti i manuali per Candy Forni
Altri manuali di Forni

Domande frequenti su Candy FCXP625NXL Forno

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Il mio forno non si scalda abbastanza, cosa devo fare? Verificato

Il termostato fa sì che il forno si scaldi fino alla temperatura desiderata. Il termostato potrebbe essere difettoso e andrebbe sostituito. In caso di dubbi, si prega di contattare il produttore.

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Che cos’è la pirolisi? Verificato

Alcuni forni sono dotati di una funzione di pirolisi. Questo sistema di pulizia brucia lo sporco e i grassi nel forno grazie alle alte temperature. Dopo la pirolisi, tutto lo sporco si trasforma in polvere e può essere rimosso facilmente. In caso il forno disponga della funzione di pirolisi, si consiglia di utilizzarla 3/4 volte l’anno, per mantenere il forno pulito.

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Si possono preparare più cose contemporaneamente utilizzando più teglie? Verificato

Sì, tecnicamente sì. Tuttavia, dipende da cosa bisogna preparare e se è necessario regolare il tempo di cottura o spostare le teglie durante la cottura.

È stato utile (685) Per saperne di più

Quando utilizzo il forno ci sono spesso dei resti che cadono sul fondo, provocando del fumo. Come posso evitare che questo accada? Verificato

Molti forni sono dotati di una griglia e di una teglia. Quando si preparano degli alimenti sulla griglia, la teglia può essere posizionata sotto di essa per evitare che i resti cadano sul fondo e provochino del fumo.

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Perché si accumula del fumo nel forno mentre si riscalda? Verificato

Probabilmente sono rimasti dei resti di cibo nel forno. In particolare i resti di cibi unti possono produrre fumo quando vengono riscaldati. Si consiglia di pulire accuratamente il forno.

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Manuale Candy FCXP625NXL Forno

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