Manuale Zoch Alles Tomate!

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Max and Emma, a farmer
couple, have a huge barnyard. Therefore, they sometimes lose track of
everything. Do the cherries belong in the henhouse, can the horse sleep in the
bed, does the pitchfork stick in the butter or doesn’t any of it matter anyway? Can
you show Max and Emma where everything belongs?
Each player tries to collect the most yard cards. The players have to remember which cards lay
hidden at seven different locations on the table. However, the items at these locations change
constantly. The player who manages to shout the names of the items quickest has the best
chances of winning.
Aim of the game:
Fig.2: Place the 7 topic cards face up next to each other in the middle of the table. Then, you
lay out a random yard card face up below each topic card. The yard cards have to match the
color of the topic cards. Try to memorize the items on the yard cards, then flip over the yard cards.
Shuffle the pile of the remaining yard cards.
Course of the game:
Now the yard cards are all flipped over. Have you memorized all the items? Then the game starts.
The player who last ate a tomato takes the pile of cards and reveals the top card in a way that
all players can see it at the same time.
Fig. 3: A red yard card is revealed from the card pile. Now you have to remember the item on the
yard card that is lying beneath the orange topic card. The player who shouts “horse” first puts
the “horse” card in front of him as a victory point. The “rooster” is placed face up at the exact
location from where the “horse” was just taken. Try to memorize the “rooster”, then flip the card
Suggestion: Before you put a yard card face down on the table, say out loud the name of the item
pictured. In this way, all players know the correct name.
The player who just received a yard card takes the pile of cards and reveals the next card so all
players can see it.
Fig. 4: The blue “silo” card was flipped over. Who remembers that now the “doghouse” is wanted?
Each player may only call one name, then the card is revealed to check the correct name.
If more than one player calls out the correct item name
at the same time and if the players cannot agree who
was first, one of the quickest players receives the corres-
ponding yard card from the middle, and the other players
involved each receive one card from the yard card pile
(Fig. 5). One of the quickest players reveals the next yard
If no player yells the correct item name, the corresponding
yard card from the middle is put back into the card pile. In
this case, the drawn yard card also is put at the location of
the removed card (Fig. 6). The player who revealed the last
card from the pile also reveals the next one.
End of the game:
As soon as all travel cards from the pile have been used up,
the player with the most yard cards wins.
49 yard cards featuring
7 different background colours
Game material:
7 topic cards featuring
7 different background colours
Game preparation:
Lay out the 7
topic cards face up
First, lay out yard
cards face up,
memorize them,
then flip them over!
Author: Reiner Knizia
Illustration: Gabriela Silveira
Translation: Sybille & Bruce Whitehill
Art.-Nr.: 60 110 5035
© 2015 Zoch Verlag
Werkstraße 1
90765 Fürth
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.63 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Zoch
Modello Alles Tomate!
Categoria Giochi da tavolo
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.63 MB

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