Manuale VonShef 2013229 Sbattitore

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A5P | 01
Please read all instructions carefully before use and
retain for future reference.
INTENDED USE Only operate the appliance for its
intended purpose and within the parameters specied
in this manual.
This appliance is for domestic use only. Do not use
outdoors or on wet surfaces.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons with
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
lack of experience and knowledge, unless supervised or
given appropriate instruction concerning the product’s
use by a person responsible for their safety.
The appliance is not intended to be operated by means
of an external timer or separate remote-control system.
GENERAL SAFETY Do not allow to be used as a toy.
Children should be supervised to ensure they do not
play with the appliance.
If the appliance is not functioning properly, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or immersed in liquid,
do not use, contact DOMU Brands Customer Services.
Do not use the appliance if any parts appear to be faulty,
missing or damaged.
Ensure all parts are securely attached as instructed by
this instruction manual before use.
CABLES AND PLUGS Check to ensure your electricity
supply matches that shown on the rating plate. This
product should only be used as rated. Preferably, the
socket outlet should be protected by a Residual Current
Device RCD (UK/EU) Ground Fault Indicator (US).
Do not use with a damaged cable or plug. If the supply
cable is damaged, it must be replaced by a qualied
engineer or authorised service agent in order to
avoid a hazard. The use of an extension cable is not
Do not handle the plug or appliance with wet hands.
Keep the cable away from heated surfaces.
Do not let the cable hang over the edge of the table or
countertop where it could be pulled on inadvertently by
children or pets.
Do not pull the cable around sharp edges or corners.
Do not leave unattended when plugged in. Unplug from
outlet when not in use.
Turn o all controls before unplugging.
Do not unplug by pulling on the cable. To unplug, grasp
the plug, not the cable.
Always unplug before performing user maintenance,
connecting or disconnecting attachments, or changing
Ensure the cable is stored safely to prevent hazards.
RISK OF PERSONAL INJURY Always locate your
appliance away from the edge of the worktop, on a rm,
at, heat-resistant surface with sucient space around
all sides.
Always handle blades / sharp objects with care.
The appliance is not intended to be operated by means
of an external timer or separate remote-control system.
Do not insert any objects into openings or cover the
Keep hair, loose clothing, ngers and all parts of body
away from openings and moving parts.
Never operate the appliance when empty.
Do not use outdoors or near heat sources.
Do not overload/overll the appliance.
When using for the rst time your appliance may give
o a ‘new’ smell or vapour. This will dissipate after a
few uses.
Never attempt to remove food or liquid from the
appliance whilst in operation. Always allow it to stop
Do not operate continuously for periods longer than
those marked on the product or indicated in the
Handle sharp objects with care.
Ensure the appliance is switched o and unplugged
before changing accessories or cleaning.
Use only as described in this manual and with DOMU
Brands recommended attachments only.
CLEANING & MAINTENANCE Never soak or immerse
electrical or heating components and or a component
that has a plug attached.
Hand washing recommended; soak in warm soapy
water and wipe down using a soft sponge. To remove
stubborn stains, use a non abrasive cleaning brush.
Do not use abrasive, harsh cleaning solutions or metal
scouring pads.
Never wash any electrical or heating components and or
a component that has a plug attached in a dishwasher.
THERMAL CUT OUT The appliance is equipped with a
overheating protection system. If the inner temperature
control system becomes too high, the overheating
protection will be automatically activated and the
appliance will switch o. Allow to completely cool for 10
minutes before using again.
Rated Voltage 220-240V
Rated Power 300W
Rated Frequency 50/60Hz
Veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions avant
utilisation et conservez-les pour pouvoir les consulter
à l’avenir.
UTILISATION PRÉVUE Utilisez l’appareil uniquement
pour son usage prévu et conformément aux paramètres
précisés dans ce manuel.
Cet appareil est réservé à un usage domestique. Ne
l’utilisez pas en extérieur ni sur des surfaces humides.
Cet appareil n’a pas été conçu pour être utilisé par des
personnes sourant de capacités physiques, sensori-
elles ou mentales réduites, non plus que par celles qui
manquent de connaissances et d’expérience, à moins
qu’une personne responsable de leur sécurité ne les su-
pervise ou ne leur ait donné les instructions appropriées
à propos de l’utilisation du produit.
L’appareil n’est pas fait pour être utilisé à l’aide d’une
minuterie externe ou d’un système de commande à
distance distinct.
jamais qu’il soit utilisé comme un jouet. Les enfants
devraient toujours être supervisés an de s’assurer
qu’ils ne jouent pas avec l’appareil.
Si l’appareil ne fonctionne pas correctement, qu’il est
tombé, qu’il a été endommagé, laissé en extérieur ou
immergé dans du liquide, ne l’utilisez pas et contactez
les Services à la clientèle de DOMU Brands.
N’utilisez pas l’appareil si des pièces ont l’air défec-
tueuses, manquantes ou endommagées.
Avant utilisation, vériez que toutes les pièces sont bien
attachées, comme indiqué dans le mode d’emploi.
FILS ET PRISES Assurez-vous que votre alimentation
électrique correspond aux valeurs achées sur la
plaque signalétique. Ce produit doit seulement être
utilisé conformément à cette puissance nominale. La
prise de courant devrait, de préférence, être protégée
par un dispositif diérentiel à courant résiduel (DDR) ou
un Indicateur de défaut de prise à la terre.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.51 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca VonShef
Modello 2013229
Categoria Sbattitori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.51 MB

Tutti i manuali per VonShef Sbattitori
Altri manuali di Sbattitori

Domande frequenti su VonShef 2013229 Sbattitore

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Posso avvolgere il cavo attorno al dispositivo dopo l'uso? Verificato

È meglio non farlo, perché può danneggiare il cavo. La cosa migliore da fare è avvolgere il cavo come era quando il prodotto è stato confezionato.

È stato utile (45) Per saperne di più

Come posso prevenire la ruggine su uno sbattitore manuale? Verificato

Asciugare le fruste subito dopo il lavaggio per evitare la formazione di ruggine. Inoltre non lasciarli in ammollo in acqua per lungo tempo.

È stato utile (0) Per saperne di più

Il mio frullatore rallenta o si ferma mentre lavoro, perché? Verificato

Può darsi che la sostanza da miscelare sia troppo densa. Ridurre la quantità o lo spessore e riprovare. Se il problema persiste, contattare il produttore.

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Manuale VonShef 2013229 Sbattitore

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