Manuale Vonroc EH502AC Termoventilatore

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Children should be kept away unless continuo-
usly supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the machine.
Children shall not plug in, position, operate,
regulate and clean the appliance or perform
user maintenance.
CAUTION-some parts of this product can
become very hot and cause burns. Particular
attention has to be given where children and
vulnerable people are present.
The machine is not suitable for use outdoors
in damp weather, in bathrooms or in other wet
or damp environments.
Please note that the machine can become
very hot and should, therefore, be placed at a
safe distance from flammable object such as
furniture, curtains and similar.
Do not cover the heater.
The machine must not be located immediately
below a socket outlet
Do not connect the machine using an on/off
timer or other equipment which can automati-
cally switch the device on.
The machine must not be placed/used in
rooms where flammable liquids or gases are
used or stored.
If an extension cord is used, it must be as
short as possible and always be fully ex-
You must not connect other appliances to the
same mains socket as the machine
Do not use the machine in immediate surroun-
dings of a bath, a shower or a swimming pool.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be re-
placed by the manufacturer, its service agent
or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid
a hazard.
Make sure the machine is always under sur-
veillance and keep children and animals away
from it.
Do not place/use the machine on moving vehi-
cles or some where easy to be tripped over.
When the machine is not used for a long time,
unplug the machine form its means. Pull the
plug straight out, never remove the plug by
pulling the cord.
Keep the machine far from curtain or places
where the air inlet van easily be blocked.
The power coupler is waterproof when not in
use. In order to prevent possible electric shock
or leakage current, never use the machine
with wet hand or operate the machine when
there is water on the power cord.
Do not dispose of electrical appliances as
unsorted municipal waste, use separate col-
lection facilities. Contact your local govern-
ment for information regarding the collection
systems available. If electrical appliance are
disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous
substances can leak into the groundwater and
get into the food chain, damaging your health
and well-being.
This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
lack of experience and knowledge, unless they
have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
Electrical safety
When using electric machines always observe the
safety regulations applicable in your country to
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal
injury. Read the following safety instructions and
also the enclosed safety instructions.
Always check that the voltage of the
power supply corresponds to the voltage
on the rating plate label.
If operating a power tool in a damp location is
unavoidable, use a residual current device (RCD)
protected supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk
of electric shock.
Intended use
The electric heater may only be used in household,
warehouses and workshops, building sites or
greenhouses. The machine can be used in enclo-
sed rooms in a free standing position for room
heating. The machine may only be used completely
mounted and standing vertically on a stable surfa-
ce. It incorporates a thermostat and a self-resetting
thermal cut-out to control the heating element and
therefore the temperature.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 5.24 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Vonroc
Modello EH502AC
Categoria Termoventilatori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 5.24 MB

Tutti i manuali per Vonroc Termoventilatori
Altri manuali di Termoventilatori

Domande frequenti su Vonroc EH502AC Termoventilatore

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

In che modo la polvere influisce sull'efficienza di un riscaldatore? Verificato

La polvere può accumularsi sugli elementi riscaldanti e nei filtri dell'aria di un riscaldatore, riducendone l'efficienza. Ciò può far sì che il riscaldatore lavori di più per produrre la stessa quantità di calore, con conseguente aumento del consumo di energia e bollette più elevate. Per mantenere l'efficienza del riscaldatore, assicurarsi di pulirlo regolarmente e sostituire il filtro dell'aria secondo necessità.

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Come faccio a determinare la dimensione del riscaldatore di cui ho bisogno per una stanza? Verificato

La dimensione del riscaldatore necessario per una stanza dipende dalle dimensioni della stanza e dall'isolamento dello spazio. Una regola generale è quella di utilizzare 60 watt per metro quadrato di spazio. Ad esempio, se una stanza è di 14 metri quadrati, sarebbe appropriato un riscaldatore da 840 watt.

È stato utile (68) Per saperne di più
Manuale Vonroc EH502AC Termoventilatore

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