Manuale Tanita BWB-800MA Bilancia

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The circuit board incorporates a fuse (100mA, 125V) for electronic equipment. If devices other than the
original AC adapter are used or a large electrical current is applied, the fuse will be blown for safety
purposes. If the fuse is blown, the unit must be inspected and repaired. As the fuse forms a fixed part of
the unit and cannot be easily disassembled by the customer, please consult your nearest Tanita sales office
or agent when the fuse needs to be replaced.
This is a precision manufactured and accurately calibrated product. Please observe the following instructions.
Never disassemble or adjust the equipment, as this may cause malfunctions. The equipment should only
be inspected in accordance with the regulations in each country.
When not in use for a long time, unplug the AC Adapter from the wall socket.
When not in use for a long time, remove the batteries before storing the equipment.
Do not wipe the equipment with corrosive chemicals (benzine, cleaner, etc.). Please use a neutral
detergent to clean the equipment.
Avoid subjecting the equipment to excessive shocks or vibrations.
When disposing of this unit, please do so in accordance with the prevailing regulations in each country.
If an unauthorised person attempts to disassemble or repair any of the part, the warranty will become
invalid. When the unit malfunctions, please consult your nearest Tanita sales office or agent.
[Instructions for Measurement]
Please observe the following instructions for accurate measurement.
Measurement may not be possible on a surface that is strongly vibrating. In such cases transfer the
equipment to a stable surface with little or no vibration.
When the equipment has been transferred to another location with a temperature difference of more than
20˚C, leave at least two hours before using.
While taking measurements, please keep any persons using transmitters, such as a mobile phone, away
from the unit to avoid causing margin errors.
<Usage Conditions>
<Storage Conditions>
<Power Source>
This equipment has been calibrated as a precision weighing instrument and can be used to certify weights and/or
business transactions.
It can be used to obtain reference data during medical examinations, such as periodic checkups, and can help the
prevention of obesity.
To prevent electric shocks,
Do not insert or remove the power plug with wet hands.
To prevent fire hazards,
Always use a correctly wired 230V AC not multiple extension cords.
To prevent the spread of infections,
Always clean the Weighing platform after use. Sterilize the platform with an appropriate alcohol-based
cleaning fluid before each use.
Installation of the Weighing Platform
Ensure the weighing platform is placed on a level and stable surface. If the equipment is used when the
Platform is unstable, for example because not all the feet are on a level surface, there is a risk that it will
topple over and it will be impossible to obtain an accurate measurement.
To avoid the risk of injury and damage to the equipment, never jump on the platform.
How to handle the equipment when moving it
Since the Platform is heavy, please lift it by holding the Platform firmly with both hands so that you do
not drop it.
AC Adapter
Ensure that the adapter supplied (model A30930G) is always used with this equipment. Other adapters
may cause malfunctions.
When changing batteries, ensure that the new batteries are inserted with the correct polarity / . If the
polarity is incorrect, then the batteries may leak and damage the equipment.
This symbol indicates the risk of death or serious injury if the safety
instructions are ignored and the equipment is misused.
This symbol indicates the risk of physical injury and/or damage to the
equipment if the safety instructions are ignored and the equipment is
This symbol indicates general precautions that should be taken when using
this equipment.
Safety Notes
Caution Symbols
In this Instruction Manual and the descriptions on the equipment, there are various caution symbols that will enable
you to use this equipment safely and correctly so that harm to you and other people and loss of your property will
be prevented.
The symbols and their meanings are as follows. Please understand them well before proceeding with the Instruction
Temperature Range for Use : 0°C / 35°C
Relative Humidity : 30% / 80% (without condensation)
Temperature Range of Environment : -10°C / 50°C
Range of Relative Humidity : 10% / 90% (without condensation)
To avoid malfunctions, do not store the equipment in direct sunlight, significant temperature changes, the risk of
dampness, a large amount of dust, in the vicinity of fires or where there is a risk of receiving vibrations or shocks.
Value Range
Voltage Range
Frequency Range
Electric Current Range
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Marca Tanita
Modello BWB-800MA
Categoria Bilance
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 1.1 MB

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Altri manuali di Bilance

Domande frequenti su Tanita BWB-800MA Bilancia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Perché sulla bilancia compare un peso irrealisticamente basso? Verificato

Per risultati ottimali, si raccomanda di utilizzare la bilancia su superfici piane e stabili. Se si posiziona infatti la bilancia su un tappeto, la misurazione può risultare falsata.

È stato utile (2520) Per saperne di più

Cosa significa IMC? Verificato

IMC sta per Indice di Massa Corporea e può essere calcolato dividendo il proprio peso in kg per l'altezza in metri quadri. Ad es., una persona che pesa 70 kg ed è alta 1,75 m ha un IMC di 22,86. Un IMC compreso tra 18,5 e 25 è considerato sano.

È stato utile (1790) Per saperne di più

Una pila del dispositivo si è ossidata, posso utilizzarlo ancora? Verificato

Sì, il dispositivo si può utilizzare ancora. Prima di tutto, rimuovere la pila ossidata. Non farlo mai a mani nude. Pulire quindi il vano della batteria con un cotton fioc bagnato di aceto o succo di limone. Lasciar asciugare e inserire le nuove pile.

È stato utile (765) Per saperne di più

Posso usare una bilancia con i piedi bagnati? Verificato

Dipende dalla scala. Quando si utilizza una bilancia diagnostica è necessario che i piedi siano asciutti per eseguire correttamente le misurazioni.

È stato utile (461) Per saperne di più
Manuale Tanita BWB-800MA Bilancia

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