Manuale Tacklife DM01M Multimetro

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1.1.4 Maintenance practices for safety
The operator must first pull out the test lead when the meter's case is opened or the battery cover
is dismantled.
The designated replacement parts must be used at the moment of maintenance.
The operator must cut off all relevant power supplies before opening the meter. At the same time,
the operator must avoid damage to the meter's elements by ensure that he himself doesn't carry
any static.
The meter can only be calibrated, repaired and maintained by professionals.
When the meter's case is opened, the operator must understand the fact that the presence of
some capacitance may promise the dangerous voltages even if the power supply to the meter
is cut off.
The operator should stop using and maintain the meter immediately if any abnormality has been
observed on the meter. The operator must see to it that the meter cannot be in service unless it is
proved conforming.
When the meter is left idle for a long period, the operator shall remove the battery and place it in
a place free from high temperature and humidity.
1.2 Input protection measures
The meter can sustain the maximum input voltage of 1000V (DC) or 750V (AC) at the moment of
voltage measurement.
The meter can sustain the maximum AC voltage of 600V or equivalent voltage (valid value) when
the tests on frequency, electric resistance, continuity and diode are carried out.
The protective tube (FF600mA/250V) is used for protection purpose when ΩA and mA current
measurements are carried out.
2. A Schematic Diagram for the Meter
This meter is a hand-held digital multi-meter with the function of displaying True RMS. it is a large-screen
LCD unit with backlight and illumination light functions so that the user can easily recognize reading.
It is equipped with the function of overload protection and the indicator of battery under voltage.
Either for professionals, factories, schools, enthusiasts or households, it is an ideal multi-functional meter.
2.1 A Schematic Diagram for the Meter
Non-contact voltage detection area
Non-contact voltage indicator
LCD screen
Rotary switch
input socket
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Jose. Marte 16-07-2019
Ciao, stavo sfogliando Laredo e ho bi questo voltmetro e mi piace molto perché sono electrit Dmo1m

rispondi | È stato utile (1) (Tradotto da Google)
José Angel 05-11-2022
Ho lasciato il mio multimetro DM01M inutilizzato per circa tre mesi e ora che volevo usarlo non funziona più e ho cambiato le batterie e niente. appare solo "ErrE".

rispondi | È stato utile (1) (Tradotto da Google)
Peter 12-10-2019
Molto soddisfatto di questo mater, è ben progettato, ben fatto e molto facile da usare, lo consiglierei.

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Bianchi Franco 11-09-2020
tutto ok

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Jerry NJ 14-11-2020
L'amperometro non funziona su milliampere CC. 10 ampere funzionano.

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J Mark 21-12-2021
Il dispositivo è conveniente, di qualità abbastanza alta e facile da maneggiare.

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Brusson JM 25-12-2021
Buon prodotto, semplice efficace anche per un principiante.

rispondi | È stato utile (0) (Tradotto da Google)

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Marca Tacklife
Modello DM01M
Categoria Multimetri
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 39.89 MB

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