Manuale Salter 9194 Body Analyser Bilancia

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Age Low Optimal Moderate High
6 ≤12.4 12.5 -19.5 19.6 - 22.6 ≥22.7
7 ≤12.6 12.7 - 20.4 20.5 - 24.0 ≥24.1
8 ≤12.7 12.8 - 21.3 21.4 - 25.4 ≥25.5
9 ≤12.8 12.9 - 22.2 22.3 - 26.7 ≥26.8
10 ≤12.8 12.9 - 22.8 22.9 - 27.8 ≥27.9
11 ≤12.6 12.7 - 23.0 23.1 - 28.2 ≥28.3
12 ≤12.1 12.2 - 22.7 22.8 - 27.8 ≥27.9
13 ≤11.5 11.6 - 22.0 22.1 - 26.9 ≥27.0
14 ≤10.9 11.0 - 21.3 21.4 - 25.8 ≥25.9
15 ≤10.4 10.5 - 20.7 20.8 - 24.9 ≥25.0
16 ≤10.1 10.2 - 20.3 20.4 - 24.2 ≥24.3
17 ≤9.8 9.9 - 20.1 20.2 - 23.8 ≥23.9
18 ≤9.6 9.7 - 20.1 20.2 - 23.5 ≥23.6
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
6 ≤14.4 14.5 - 23.0 23.1 - 26.1 ≥26.2
7 ≤14.9 15.0 - 24.5 24.6 - 27.9 ≥28.0
8 ≤15.3 15.4 - 26.0 26.1 - 29.6 ≥29.7
9 ≤15.7 15.8 - 27.2 27.3 - 31.1 ≥31.2
10 ≤16.0 16.1 - 28.2 28.3 - 32.1 ≥32.2
11 ≤16.1 16.2 - 28.8 28.9 - 32.7 ≥32.8
12 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.1 29.2 - 33.0 ≥33.1
13 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.4 29.5 - 33.2 ≥33.3
14 ≤16.0 16.1 - 29.6 29.7 - 33.5 ≥33.6
15 ≤15.7 15.8 - 29.9 30.0 - 33.7 ≥33.8
16 ≤15.5 15.6 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.0 ≥34.1
17 ≤15.1 15.2 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.3 ≥34.4
18 ≤14.7 14.8 - 30.8 30.9 - 34.7 ≥34.8
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤8 8.1 - 19.9 20 - 24.9 ≥25
40 - 59 ≤11 11.1 - 21.9 22 - 27.9 ≥28
60+ ≤13 13.1 - 24.9 25 - 29.9 ≥30
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤21 21.1 - 32.9 33 - 38.9 ≥39
40 - 59 ≤23 23.1 - 33.9 34 - 39.9 ≥40
60+ ≤24 24.1 - 35.9 36 - 41.9 ≥42
*Source: Derived from; HD McCarthy, TJ Cole, T Fry, SA Jebb and AM Prentice: “Body fat reference curves for
children”. International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 598–602.
**Source: Derived from; Dympna Gallagher, Steven B Heymsfield, Moonseong Heo, Susan A Jebb, Peter
R Murgatroyd, and Yoichi Sakamoto: “Healthy percentage body fat ranges: an approach for developing
guidelines based on body mass index1–3”. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:694–701.
The Body Fat % ranges published are for guidance only. Professional medical guidance should always be
sought before embarking on diet and exercise programs.
BODY WATER -WHY MEASURE IT? Body water is the single most important
component of body weight. It represents over half of your total weight and almost
two thirds of your lean body mass (predominantly muscle). Water performs a
number of important roles in the body: All the cells in the body, whether in the skin,
glands, muscles, brain or anywhere else, can only function properly if they have
enough water. Water also plays a vital part in regulating the body’s temperature
balance, particularly through perspiration. The combination of your weight and fat
measurement could appear to be ‘normal’ but your body hydration level could be
insucient for healthy living.
BF % Range Optimal BW % Range
4 to 14% 70 to 63%
15 to 21% 63 to 57%
22 to 24% 57 to 55%
25 and over 55 to 37%
4 to 20% 70 to 58%
21 to 29% 58 to 52 %
30 to 32 % 52 to 49%
33 and over 49 to 37%
***Source: Derived from Wang & Deurenberg: “Hydration of fat-free body mass”. American Journal Clin Nutr
1999, 69 833-841.
For those using Athlete Mode: note that athletes may have a lower body fat range
and a higher body water range than shown above, depending on their type of sport
or activity. Body water measurement results are influenced by the proportion of body
fat and muscle. If the proportion of body fat is high, or the proportion of muscle is
low then the body water results will tend to be low. It is important to remember that
measurements such as body weight, body fat and body water are tools for you to use
as part of your healthy lifestyle. As short term fluctuations are normal, we suggest
you chart your progress over time, rather than focus on a single days reading.
The Body Water % ranges published are for guidance only. Professional medical
guidance should always be sought before embarking on diet and exercise
WHY SHOULD I KNOW MY MUSCLE MASS? According to the American College
of Sports Medicine (ACSM), lean muscle mass may decrease by nearly 50 percent
between the ages of 20 and 90. If you don’t do anything to replace that loss you’re
losing muscle and increasing fat. It is also important to know your muscle mass
% during weight reduction. At rest, the body burns approximately 110 additional
calories for each kilo of muscle gained. Some advantages of gaining muscle mass
Reversing the decline in strength, bone density and muscle mass that
accompanies age
Maintenance of flexible joints
Guide weight reduction when combined with a healthy diet.
This product is for domestic use only. Pregnant women should only use the weight
CAUTION : Do not use this product if you have a pacemaker or other medical device
fitted. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
WHAT DOES MY BMI VALUE MEAN? Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index of weight-
for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in
adults. This scale calculates your BMI value for you. The BMI categories shown in the
chart and table below are recognised by the WHO (World Health Organisation) and
can be used to interpret your BMI value.
Your BMI category can be identified using the table below.
BMI Category BMI Value Meaning Health Risk Based Solely On BMI
< 18.5 Underweightt Moderate
18.6-24.9 Normal Low
25-29.9 Overweight Moderate
30+ Obese High
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Catherine McDowell 14-11-2020
Ho un codice di errore F99 sulla mia bilancia?

rispondi | È stato utile (14) (Tradotto da Google)
Ray Hoyland 10-03-2019
Questa bilancia può misurare in pietre e libbre?

rispondi | È stato utile (4) (Tradotto da Google)
Mrs Glenn Abbassi 01-12-2021
Cosa significa un messaggio ERR: la batteria deve essere cambiata?

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Loredana 16-12-2019
Come si.impostano il peso e la massa?

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loredana 18-12-2019
Buongiorno, ho letto attentamente il manuale ho impostato l'utente, l'età, altezza e sesso, ma quando mi peso mi compare solo il peso generico. mentre non compaiono tutti gli altri valori riferiti alla massa grassa e alla percentuale d'acqua corporea che avrei bisogno di conoscere. C'è un modo per impostarli?

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Donna martin 15-10-2021
Ho appena acquistato la bilancia con analizzatore Salter e ho seguito tutte le istruzioni per l'installazione. Tuttavia, quando mi alzo sulla bilancia, mi dà il mio peso e poi dice solo Err, che presumo significhi errore e non calcola la percentuale di grasso corporeo o acqua. Puoi aiutare?

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Marca Salter
Modello 9194 Body Analyser
Categoria Bilance
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 3.45 MB

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Domande frequenti su Salter 9194 Body Analyser Bilancia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Perché sulla bilancia compare un peso irrealisticamente basso? Verificato

Per risultati ottimali, si raccomanda di utilizzare la bilancia su superfici piane e stabili. Se si posiziona infatti la bilancia su un tappeto, la misurazione può risultare falsata.

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Cosa significa IMC? Verificato

IMC sta per Indice di Massa Corporea e può essere calcolato dividendo il proprio peso in kg per l'altezza in metri quadri. Ad es., una persona che pesa 70 kg ed è alta 1,75 m ha un IMC di 22,86. Un IMC compreso tra 18,5 e 25 è considerato sano.

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Una pila del dispositivo si è ossidata, posso utilizzarlo ancora? Verificato

Sì, il dispositivo si può utilizzare ancora. Prima di tutto, rimuovere la pila ossidata. Non farlo mai a mani nude. Pulire quindi il vano della batteria con un cotton fioc bagnato di aceto o succo di limone. Lasciar asciugare e inserire le nuove pile.

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Posso usare una bilancia con i piedi bagnati? Verificato

Dipende dalla scala. Quando si utilizza una bilancia diagnostica è necessario che i piedi siano asciutti per eseguire correttamente le misurazioni.

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Manuale Salter 9194 Body Analyser Bilancia

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