Manuale Remington MB4120 Beard Boss Regolabarba

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6 11mm
7 13mm
8 15mm
9 18mm
, Note: Use the beard trimmer without the adjustable comb for trimming hair
close to the skin. This will trim hair to 1mm, holding the blades
perpendicular to the skin will trim hair to 0.4mm.
• Ensurethetrimmerisswitchedo.
To attach the comb place the comb on the beard trimmer so that the teeth
of the comb sit on top of the teeth of the blades.
Slide on the comb until it sits securely on the beard trimmer.
To remove the adjustable comb, ensure the trimmer is switched o.
Push the back of the comb upwards and lift away from the beard trimmer.
, Note: the on/o switch controls the adjustable comb lock switch to ensure
consistent grooming results. When the trimmer is turned on the comb lock
switch is enabled. When the trimmer is turned o the comb lock switch is
disabled. This is when the comb length is able to be adjusted.
Attach the adjustable comb to the trimmer blade and select the desired
length by sliding the adjustable comb up or down.
The setting will appear on the length position indicator on the comb. If you
are trimming for the rst time, start with the maximum trimming length
Once you have your desired adjustable comb length turn the trimmer on,
this will secure the length increment on the comb.
Place the at top of the trimmer comb against the skin.
Use motions towards the edge of the beard/moustache line to trim to
desired locations in facial area and away from the beard in the neck area.
Start with edge of sideburn and with the trimmer blades resting lightly
against your skin, use motions towards the edge of the sideburn line to trim
to the desired locations in the facial area.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 1.27 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Remington
Modello MB4120 Beard Boss
Categoria Regolabarba
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 1.27 MB

Tutti i manuali per Remington Regolabarba
Altri manuali di Regolabarba

Domande frequenti su Remington MB4120 Beard Boss Regolabarba

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Posso usare un regolabarba anche per altri peli? Verificato

I regolabarba hanno lame più sottili rispetto ai tagliacapelli, rendendoli più adatti per i capelli corti. I tagliacapelli sono progettati specificamente per tagliare i capelli del cuoio capelluto.

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Manuale Remington MB4120 Beard Boss Regolabarba

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