Manuale Qazqa 97683 Plater Lampada

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Please study the instruction manual and below information carefully before installing or using
1. The luminaires may only be installed by authorized and qualified technicians according the valid
regulations for electrical installation.
2. Maintenance of the luminaires is limited to their surfaces. During maintenance no moisture can come
into contact with any areas of the terminal connections or voltage control parts.
3 The electrical supply must be switched off at the outset, preferably by means of a switch in the distribution.
box, before any installation, maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
4. Exterior lighting must not be installed during rain.
6. Take account of the minimal separation distance from other objects and the room required around the fitting.
7. If in any doubt, consult a professional, taking local installation requirements into account. Some countries
stipulate that lighting may be installed only by registered installers.
8. Clamping screws in electrical connections must be adequately tightened. This is particularly the case with 12V
low voltage conductors.
9. When replacing a halogen lamp, wait for it to cool, for a minimum of 5 minutes.
10. Clean with a clean, dry cloth or brush, use no solvent
s or abrasives. Avoid dampness on all electrical
11. Take account of all available technical information.
12. Take note of the symbols when connecting wires:
13. Meaning of symbols:
Max. 50mmø
Light Angle
For indoor use only, where direct contact with water is impossible
Protection Class I: the fitting must be earthed
Protection Class II: the fitting is doubled insulated and does not require earthing
Protection Class III: the fitting is low voltage
Minimum distance from lighted objects (meters)
Only the self-shielded halogen lamp should be used with the luminaire
Strip the wire to the indicated length (mm);different items require different length
Connect using the specified cable; different items require different cables
The type of lamp and maximum size and wattage indicated in each lighting unit must not
be exceed; different items require different kind of light sources with different bulb icons
The armature is designed to work only with the indicated voltage. Different items require
different working voltage.
The luminaire can be used in combination with a dimmer
The reference light angle and light space of the luminaire
This luminaire cannot be disposed together with normal domestic waste in standard rubbish
can, but you have to bring it to a staging area for electrical waste
This icon indicates the level of water-proof and dust-proof
N =Neutral L =Live =Earth
this product. Please keep this user manual for further reference
1800 LM
18 W
2700 K
>80 Ra
30000 H
Plater CL
Fix the expansion screws on the ceiling Fix the bracket with the screws
Connect the L、N wires
Clip the lamp to the bracket
step1 step2
Plater CL White Round 18W LED
Item number: 96806
Overall size:
Plater CL White Round 18W LED PIR
Item number: 96807
Overall size:
1.To save the power,it would light on when the
environment is less than 100LUX.
2.When there is movement in the sensor area of
6-10m,it lights on automatically. And it lights off
after 30-40 seconds without movement.
Plater CL White Round 18W LED LUX
Item number: 96808
Overall size:
1.It would light on when the environment is less
than 100LUX,and light off when the environment
is more than 100LUX.
Plater CL White Square 18W LED Plater CL White Square 18W LED PIR Plater CL White Square 18W LED LUX
Item number: 96809 Item number: 96810 Item number: 96811
Overall size: Overall size: Overall size:220x220x50mm 280x280x50mm 330x330x50mm
1.To save the power,it would light on when the
environment is less than 100LUX.
2.When there is movement in the sensor area of
6-10m,it lights on automatically. And it lights off
after 30-40 seconds without movement.
1.It would light on when the environment is less
than 100LUX,and light off when the environment
is more than 100LUX.
Plater CL White Round LED
Plater CL White Square LED
Tighten the screws in the both sides of lamp
Take out the lamp from the bracket
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Marca Qazqa
Modello 97683 Plater
Categoria Lampade
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 13.18 MB

Tutti i manuali per Qazqa Lampade
Altri manuali di Lampade

Domande frequenti su Qazqa 97683 Plater Lampada

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Tutte le luci LED sono dimmerabili? Verificato

No, non tutte le luci LED sono dimmerabili. Questa funzionalità è indicata sulla confezione o sulla luce stessa.

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Ho messo una nuova luce nella mia lampada ma non si accende, perché? Verificato

Alcune lampade sono realizzate per sorgenti luminose di un determinato wattaggio. Quando viene inserita una sorgente di luce che richiede un wattaggio maggiore di quello che la lampada può fornire, la luce potrebbe non accendersi. Se la lampada fornisce un wattaggio molto più alto di quello per cui è stata realizzata la sorgente luminosa, la sorgente luminosa può bruciarsi.

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Il colore della luce è importante? Verificato

In genere esistono due tipi di luci, luci calde e luci fredde. Le luci fredde mantengono attenti e svegli. Le luci calde hanno un effetto rilassante. Il calore della luce è misurato in Kelvin ed è indicato sulla confezione della lampadina.

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Che cosa sono i lumen? Verificato

I lumen sono l’unità di misura per la quantità totale di luce visibile emessa da una fonte.

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Che tipi basi a vite esistono? Verificato

Nel mondo ci sono vari tipi di attacchi per lampadine, ma il più diffuso è lo standard Edison, indicato con la lettera E. Nella maggior parte dei Paesi si trovano normalmente le basi a vite E27 ed E14. Negli Stati Uniti invece si trovano di solito le basi E26, E17, E12 ed E10.

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Cosa indicano i Watt sulla lampadina? Verificato

I Watt indicano il consumo energetico. Le lampadine che producono più luce, generalmente utilizzano più Watt, ma per comparare la luminosità si consiglia di utilizzare i lumen.

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Cosa significa LED? Verificato

LED sta per Light Emitting Diode. I LED consentono di emettere luce facendo scorrere l’elettricità attraverso un semiconduttore nella giusta direzione.

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Manuale Qazqa 97683 Plater Lampada