Manuale Pontec PondoVario 1500 Pompa per fontana

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Installation and connection
Use as a fountain pump
How to proceed:
Assemble the telescopic extension.
Insert the internal pipe into the external pipe and secure with the retaining collar.
Fit the telescopic extension onto the ball joint.
Ensure that the control valve on the telescopic extension and the outlet of the ball joint are aligned opposite each
other so that water can exit from the outlet of the ball joint.
Insert and screw the desired nozzle into the telescopic extension.
In the case of some nozzles, the shape of the fountain is changed by adjusting the screw-in depth of the nozzle.
Screw the ball joint onto the transition piece of the pump and hand-tighten.
The adjustable outlet ( 9 mm) on the ball joint can be used for optionally feeding a water course.
Vertically align the telescopic extension via the ball joint.
Place the unit in the pond on a horizontal, firm and sludge-free base and ensure that it is completely covered by
Use as a water course pump or filter pump
How to proceed:
Screw the stepped hose adapter with O-ring onto the transition piece of the pump and hand-tighten.
If necessary, remove the fine-mesh filters from both sides of the filter cover.
Place the unit in the pond on a horizontal, firm and sludge-free base and ensure that it is completely covered by
Maximum installation depth: 2 m below the surface of the water.
Attention! The pump must never run dry.
Possible consequence: The pump will be destroyed.
Protective measure: Check the water level at regular intervals. Always place the unit below water level.
This is how to connect the power supply:
Switching on: Connect power plug to the socket. The unit switches on immediately when the power connection is
Switching off: Disconnect the power plug.
Use as a fountain pump:
Turn the control valve on the telescopic extension to achieve the desired spray pattern.
If necessary, turn the control valve on the ball joint to achieve the desired flow rate.
Remedy of faults
Malfunction Cause Remedy
The unit is not operating No mains voltage Check mains voltage
Impeller blocked Clean impeller
Strainer casing clogged Clean strainer casing
Insufficient delivery rate
Excessive pressure losses in the hoses Reduce hose length and connecting parts to a
minimum, route hoses as straight as possible
Unit switches off after a short running period Water temperature too high Note maximum water temperature of +35 °C
Wear parts
The impeller unit is a wearing part and does not fall under the warranty.
27945-03-13_GA_PondoVario.pdf 10 12.03.2013 10:14:16
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 5.91 MB)
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Sarah Dobberson 05-07-2022
Ciao, Per favore, potresti dirmi dove vanno i due anelli d'argento a I sulla configurazione della girante.

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Marca Pontec
Modello PondoVario 1500
Categoria Pompe per fontana
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 5.91 MB

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Manuale Pontec PondoVario 1500 Pompa per fontana

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