Manuale Philips HP6543 Epilatore

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General description (Fig. 1)
A Epilator
1 Opti start cap
2 Epilating discs
3 Epilating head
4 On/off slide
- 0 = off
- I = normal speed
- II = high speed
5 Socket for small plug
6 Small plug
7 Adapter
8 Cleaning brush
9 Storage pouch
B Precision trimmer
10 Trimming comb
11 Trimming head
12 On/off slide
13 Battery compartment cap
14 Protection cap
15 Tweezers
16 Battery type LR03 AAA
Read this user manual carefully before you use the
appliances and save it for future reference.
- This symbol means that you should keep the
appliances and the adapter dry (Fig. 2).
- Do not use the epilator near or over a washbasin
or bath lled with water (Fig. 3).
- This symbol means that you should not use these
appliances in the bath or shower (Fig. 4).
- If you use the epilator in the bathroom, do not
use an extension cord. (Fig. 5)
- If the adapter is damaged, always have it replaced with
one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.
- This appliance can be used by children aged from
8 years and above and by persons with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance in a safe way and if they understand the
hazards involved. Cleaning and user maintenance
shall not be made by children unless they are older
than 8 and supervised. Keep the appliance and its
cord out of reach of children aged less than 8 years.
- Children shall not play with the appliance.
- Do not cut off the adapter to replace it with another
plug, as this causes a hazardous situation.
- Only use the epilator in combination with the
adapter supplied.
- The epilator is only intended for removing women’s
body hair on areas below the neck.
- To prevent damage and injuries, keep operating
appliances (with or without attachment) away
from clothes, threads, cords, brushes etc.
- Do not use the appliances on irritated skin or skin
with varicose veins, rashes, spots, moles (with hairs)
or wounds without consulting your doctor rst.
- People with a reduced immune response or people
who suffer from diabetes mellitus, haemophilia or
immunodeciency should also consult their doctor rst.
- Your skin may become a little red and irritated
the rst few times you use the epilator. This is
absolutely normal and quickly disappears. As
you use the appliance more often, your skin gets
used to epilation, skin irritation decreases and
regrowth becomes thinner and softer. If the irritation
has not disappeared within three days, we advise you
to consult a doctor.
- Do not use the appliances with or without
attachment if they are damaged or broken,
as this may cause injury.
- Use and store the appliances at a temperature
between 10°C and 30°C.
- Noise level epilator: Lc= 76 dB(A).
Compliance with standards
These Philips appliances complies with all standards
regarding electromagnetic elds (EMF).
- Do not throw away the appliances with the
normal household waste at the end of their life,
but hand them in at an ofcial collection point for
recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the
environment. (Fig. 6)
- The battery of the precision trimmer contain
substances that may pollute the environment.
Do not throw away empty batteries with the
normal household waste, but dispose of them at an
ofcial collection point for batteries. Always remove
the battery before you discard and hand in the
appliances at an ofcial collection point (Fig. 7).
Guarantee and support
If you need information or support, please visit or read the separate
worldwide guarantee leaet.4203.000.7713.1
Register your product and get support at
1 2 3
1 2 3
4 mm 2 mm
1 1 2 3
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Marca Philips
Modello HP6543
Categoria Epilatori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 1.02 MB

Tutti i manuali per Philips Epilatori
Altri manuali di Epilatori

Domande frequenti su Philips HP6543 Epilatore

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Posso usare un epilatore su ogni parte del corpo? Verificato

In generale, gli epilatori possono essere utilizzati su qualsiasi parte del corpo, comprese le zone sensibili.

È stato utile (111) Per saperne di più

Quanto tempo ci vuole perché i peli ricrescano? Verificato

Dopo aver usato un epilatore, i capelli generalmente ricrescono dopo poche settimane.

È stato utile (51) Per saperne di più

Qual è la differenza tra epilazione e ceretta? Verificato

Entrambi i metodi funzionano essenzialmente allo stesso modo, ma l'epilazione è generalmente considerata un po 'più dolorosa. L'uso di un epilatore di solito produce meno effetti collaterali.

È stato utile (40) Per saperne di più

Si può usare un epilatore anche per capelli più lunghi? Verificato

No, quando si usa un epilatore per capelli più lunghi, c'è la possibilità che i capelli si spezzino invece di essere tirati dalla radice.

È stato utile (23) Per saperne di più

Qual è la lunghezza ideale dei peli per l’epilazione? Verificato

Philips afferma che la lunghezza ideale dei peli per l’epilazione è di 3-4 mm.

È stato utile (8) Per saperne di più
Manuale Philips HP6543 Epilatore

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