Manuale Philips FR760 Ricevitore

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The type plate is located on the rear of the receiver.
1 Check whether the mains voltage as shown on the type
plate corresponds to your local mains voltage. If it does not,
consult your dealer or service organization.
2 Connect the mains cable to the wall socket.
To disconnect the set from the mains completely, remove the
mains plug from the wall socket.
For users in the U. K.: please follow the instructions on
page 2.
The speaker connections on the receiver are click-fit
connectors. Use them as shown below.
1 Always connect the coloured (or marked) wire to the
coloured terminal and the black (or unmarked) wire to the
black terminal.
2 Connect:
Left front speaker to L (red and black)
Right front speaker to R (red and black)
Center speaker to CENTER (blue and black)
Left surround speaker to SURROUND L (grey and black)
Right surround speaker to SURROUND R (grey and black)
You may use your Philips TV with CINEMA LINK as the center
speaker. For TVs with a scart connector an additional audio
cinch-to-scart cable is needed. For TVs with cinch connectors
additional cinch cables are needed. Look into the instruction
manual of your TV on how to use it as the center speaker.
AM (MW) antenna
The loop antenna supplied is for indoor use only. Position the
antenna as far away as possible from the receiver, the TV, the
cables, a DVD player, a VCR and other radiation sources.
1 Fit the plug of the frame antenna to AM LOOP as shown
2 Position the antenna as far away as possible from radiation
3 Turn the antenna for optimum reception.
FM antenna
The wire antenna supplied can only be used to receive nearby
stations. For better reception we recommend using a cable
antenna system or an outdoor antenna.
1 Fit the supplied wire antenna to FM 75 as shown below.
2 Move the antenna in different positions for optimum
If you are using a cable antenna system or an outdoor
antenna, fit the antenna plug to FM 75 instead of the
wire antenna.
To remove the FRONT AV / GAME cap, press on the right
side of the cap.
Insert the cap from below to close the compartment.
FRONT AV / GAME cap (FR 760 only)
FM 75
FM 75
Antenna connections
TV as the center speaker
8 mm
Speaker connections
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 4.38 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Philips
Modello FR760
Categoria Ricevitori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 4.38 MB

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