Manuale Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD

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Open the LCD
Adjusting the LCD angle
When moving the unit: Close the LCD.
Don’t hold by the LCD.
Functions operated by buttons on the unit
will not work when the LCD is closed.
Approximate recharging and play times (Hours)
Battery pack
(When the unit is off)
(at 20 °C)
(at room temperature using headphones)
LCD brightness level
-5 0 5
DY-DB20 7 11 9.5 8 11
5 5 5 4 5.5
DY-DB30 (option)
8 14 12 10 14
CGR-H712 (option) 7 11 9.5 8 11
Attaching the battery
(When the unit is off)
The illustrations shown are of DY-DB20; however the steps for the other
batteries (→ 5) are the same.
When not using for long periods of time
Remove the battery pack (→ above).
(Even when the unit is turned off, there is a small amount of voltage running through the unit, and this may result in a
Recharge the battery for re-use.
Bottom side of this unit
Battery pack
Clicks into place
Check to make sure it is securely fastened.
Press and hold
g Detaching
Turn the unit off before
detaching the battery pack.
] goes out → lights*
[CHG] lights → goes out
* Only when recharged with the unit
] indicator
When the unit is connected to the AC
mains supply, this indicator lights up
in standby mode and goes out when
the unit is turned on.
To household
mains socket
AC adaptor (included)
Recharging the battery
The battery is not charged at the time of purchase. Charge before initial use.
The unit is in the standby condition (the
] indicator lights) when the AC mains
lead is connected. The primary circuit is
always “live” as long as the AC adaptor
is connected to an electrical outlet.
To conserve power
This unit consumes 0.5 W of power
even when turned off. When the unit
is not going to be used for a long time,
disconnect the AC mains lead from the
household mains socket.
You can also use this unit without charging
while connecting the AC adaptor and the AC
mains lead.
You can also use this unit without charging
while connecting Car DC Adaptor. (→ 16,
Connecting the included Car DC Adaptor)
AC mains lead
Recharging time:
→ below, Approximate recharging
and play times (Hours)
When finished, disconnect the AC
adaptor and the AC mains lead.
The times indicated on the
left may differ depending
on use.
To change the LCD
brightness (→ 11).
RQTC0177-D.indd 6 1/26/2011 14:17:02
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 20.73 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Panasonic
Modello DVD-LS70
Categoria Lettori DVD
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 20.73 MB

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Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Posso leggere un CD con il lettore DVD? Verificato

Sì, quasi tutti i lettori DVD possono leggere i CD.

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Posso riparare da solo dei graffi su un DVD? Verificato

I graffi impediscono al laser di leggere correttamente il disco. In caso di graffi solamente superficiali, è possibile ripararli da soli lucidando il disco con un prodotto leggermente abrasivo. Idealmente si consiglia di utilizzare un prodotto abrasivo professionale ma si può anche usare un normale dentifricio. Dopo aver lucidato il disco, è necessario lavarlo e lasciarlo asciugare. In caso di dubbi su come effettuare la procedura, rivolgersi a un professionista.

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Manuale Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD

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