Manuale Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD

Hai bisogno di un manuale per il tuo Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD? Di seguito è possibile visualizzare e scaricare gratuitamente il manuale in PDF in italiano. Questo prodotto attualmente ha 2 domande frequenti, 0 commenti e ha 0 voti. Se questo non è il manuale che desideri, contattaci.

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Table of contents
Getting started
Precautions .................................................................2
Accessories ................................................................5
Attaching the battery .............................................6
Recharging the battery ..........................................6
Adjusting the LCD angle ........................................6
Discs that can be played ...........................................7
Playing discs ..............................................................8
Useful functions ....................................................... 11
Switching drives ....................................................... 11
Playing CD, data disc and USB device ................... 11
Transition effect ........................................................
About DivX
VOD content ........................................12
About DivX subtitles text display ............................13
Tips for making data discs .....................................
Using On-Screen Menus ..........................................14
Changing the player settings ..................................15
Enjoying in various situations
Enjoying in a car .......................................................16
Using this unit with other equipment .....................16
Maintenance ..............................................................17
Specifications ...........................................................17
Troubleshooting guide .............................................
Frequently asked questions ....................................19
Index ............................. Inner page of the back cover
Information for Users on Collection and Disposal
of Old Equipment and used Batteries
These symbols on the products, packaging,
and/or accompanying documents mean that
used electrical and electronic products and
batteries should not be mixed with general
household waste.
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling
of old products and used batteries, please
take them to applicable collection points, in
accordance with your national legislation and
the Directives 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC.
By disposing of these products and batteries
correctly, you will help to save valuable
resources and prevent any potential
negative effects on human health and the
environment which could otherwise arise
from inappropriate waste handling.
For more information about collection and
recycling of old products and batteries,
please contact your local municipality, your
waste disposal service or the point of sale
where you purchased the items.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect
disposal of this waste, in accordance with
national legislation.
For business users in the European
If you wish to discard electrical and
electronic equipment, please contact your
dealer or supplier for further information.
[Information on Disposal in other
Countries outside the European Union]
These symbols are only valid in the
European Union. If you wish to discard these
items, please contact your local authorities
or dealer and ask for the correct method of
Note for the battery symbol (bottom two
symbol examples):
This symbol might be used in combination
with a chemical symbol. In this case it
complies with the requirement set by the
Directive for the chemical involved.
RQTC0177-D.indd 4 1/26/2011 14:17:01
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 20.73 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Panasonic
Modello DVD-LS70
Categoria Lettori DVD
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 20.73 MB

Tutti i manuali per Panasonic Lettori DVD
Altri manuali di Lettori DVD

Domande frequenti su Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Posso leggere un CD con il lettore DVD? Verificato

Sì, quasi tutti i lettori DVD possono leggere i CD.

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Posso riparare da solo dei graffi su un DVD? Verificato

I graffi impediscono al laser di leggere correttamente il disco. In caso di graffi solamente superficiali, è possibile ripararli da soli lucidando il disco con un prodotto leggermente abrasivo. Idealmente si consiglia di utilizzare un prodotto abrasivo professionale ma si può anche usare un normale dentifricio. Dopo aver lucidato il disco, è necessario lavarlo e lasciarlo asciugare. In caso di dubbi su come effettuare la procedura, rivolgersi a un professionista.

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Manuale Panasonic DVD-LS70 Lettore DVD

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