Manuale Panasonic DMW-MCFT5PP Lumix Custodia subacquea per fotocamera

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Using the Case in high or low temperatures
If you open or close the Case where it is humid or hot and then move to a place
that is cold or dive underwater, condensation may appear inside the Case, the
glass surface may become cloudy and the digital camera may be damaged.
If you suddenly move the Case from a cold place or cold water to a warm place, the
glass surface may become cloudy. Wait until the Case becomes close to the air
temperature before taking pictures.
About preparation
Do not open or close the Case where it may be splashed by water or sand
may get in it. We recommend opening or closing the Case indoors.
Replace the battery, card etc. and attach the digital camera indoors where there is
little moisture.
If you must open or close the Case at the diving spot to replace the battery or
the card, be sure to follow the steps below.
Select a place where the Case will not be splashed by water and sand will not
get in it.
Blow off any drops of water in the gap between the rear case and the front case
and on the buckle. Thoroughly wipe off any remaining drops of water with a dry
Thoroughly wipe off any drops of water on your body or hair.
Be particularly careful about any water coming from the sleeves of your thermal
Do not touch the digital camera if your hands are wet from sea water. Wet a
towel with fresh water and place it in a polyester bag beforehand. Use this towel
to wipe off any drops of water or sand on your hands or body.
This Case does not absorb shock. If you place a heavy object on the Case or
cause shock to it, the digital camera may be damaged. Be careful when you are
using the case.
DMW-MCFT5_PP& 4 ページ 2013年1月16日 水曜日 午前11時35分
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 5.09 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Panasonic
Modello DMW-MCFT5PP Lumix
Categoria Custodie subacquee per fotocamere
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 5.09 MB

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Manuale Panasonic DMW-MCFT5PP Lumix Custodia subacquea per fotocamera

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