Manuale Panasonic DMW-MCFT3PP Lumix Custodia subacquea per fotocamera

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Handling and Care
Do not place the Case where it may fall.
If the Case falls on your head or foot, it will injure you and cause the Case to
Never alter the Case.
If water leaks into the digital camera because the Case was altered, the digital
camera may be damaged beyond repair.
If you continue to use the digital camera after water has leaked into it, this may
cause a fire.
Do not use the Case while scuba diving without proper training.
You should only operate the Case while scuba diving if you have been properly
trained and certified for this sport.
Never place the Case, grease, silica gel or O-ring within the reach of
If any part of an infant’s body is caught in the Case, it may cause an injury.
Infants may accidentally swallow the grease, silica gel or O-ring.
Consult a doctor immediately if you think an infant may have swallowed the
grease, silica gel or O-ring.
Do not hang the strap around your neck underwater.
It may become wound around your neck causing suffocation or other serious
Thoroughly wash any grease on your hands.
Do not allow the grease on your hands to come into contact with your mouth or
If water leaks into the case, stop using it immediately.
This may cause an electric shock, burning or a fire.
Consult your dealer.
If anything abnormal occurs while using the Case underwater, please
follow all necessary procedures and guidelines for decompressing
when you ascend.
If you ascend too quickly, you may get caisson disease.
If smoke or abnormal heat, smells or sounds come from the Case,
stop using it immediately.
These may cause an electric shock, burning or fire.
Remove the digital camera from the Case and then immediately remove the
battery from the digital camera.
Consult your dealer.
Be careful when opening the Case after water leakage.
The leaked water may blow out or the rear case may flip. 6 ページ 2011年1月13日 木曜日 午前10時22分
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 5.9 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Panasonic
Modello DMW-MCFT3PP Lumix
Categoria Custodie subacquee per fotocamere
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 5.9 MB

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Manuale Panasonic DMW-MCFT3PP Lumix Custodia subacquea per fotocamera

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