Manuale Oregon RM962 Sveglia

Hai bisogno di un manuale per il tuo Oregon RM962 Sveglia? Di seguito è possibile visualizzare e scaricare gratuitamente il manuale in PDF in italiano. Questo prodotto attualmente ha 0 domande frequenti, 0 commenti e ha 0 voti. Se questo non è il manuale che desideri, contattaci.

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Note: The battery life can be reduced vastly by frequent use of
the back light or snooze function.
If not disposed of properly batteries can be harmful.
Protect the environment by taking exhausted batteries
to authorized disposal stations.
Press SNOOZE once. The back light will activate for five seconds.
This unit is a radio frequency (RF) controlled clock. When located
within a 1500km radius of radio signal (DCF77) at Frankfurt,
Germany, the clock time will automatically synchronize with DCF77
time-signal transmission. The benefit of a RF controlled clock is
that highly-accurate time is maintained and manual adjustments to
the time and date are not be required.
(RM962U - UK version within a 1500km radius of radio signal
F MODE button
Toggles the calendar clock display modes or activates the
calendar clock setting mode
G UP [
] and DOWN [ ] buttons
Increases or decreases the value of a setting
H ALARM button
Displays the alarm time or sets the alarm status
I SNOOZE button
Activates the snooze function when an alarm activates or
turn on the back light for five seconds
J Battery compartment
Accommodates two UM-4 or “AAA” size 1.5V batteries
K RESET button
Resets the unit by returning all settings to their default
L Rotatable stand
The unit uses two (2) UM-4 or “AAA” size 1.5V batteries.
To insert batteries:
1. Click open the battery door as shown.
2. Insert the batteries strictly according to the polarities shown
3. Replace the battery compartment door.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.72 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Oregon
Modello RM962
Categoria Sveglie
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.72 MB

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