Manuale NAD C 555i Giradischi

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This turntable has been engineered to give extremely good musical reproduction. Inherent in the design
are several features that improve sound quality and focus the manufacturing costs where they are most
Example: Speed change is achieved by manually moving the drive belt from one pulley to another as
shown below.
The cost saving from the use of manual speed change allows a very expensive low vibration motor with
an accuracy exceeding that of conventional designs to be employed.
1 Try to mount the turntable on a rigid, level surface. A light shelf screwed to the wall or in an alcove
would be ideal. Avoid mounting on hollow or heavy cabinets, or anything mounted on a wooden
2 Try to keep the lid closed whilst playing records. This will prevent dust falling onto the records and
make cleaning unnecessary. There may also be a sound improvement.
3 Don’t use a record cleaner that works as the record plays, or any cleaners that use water or fluids.
Don’t touch the playing surface of records. Visible dust on the record surface is simply brushed aside
by the stylus, and any that collects there can easily be blown away.
4 Try to leave the turntable running during a record playing session. Switch on before the start, and only
switch off after the last record has finished. Changing records whilst the platter revolves is easier than
it sounds!
5 DO NOT lift the centre hub from its bearing. The bearing is factory assembled with a film of thick
lubricant. Disturbance of this can cause serious problems with speed variation and wear.
6 When switching on the turntable, especially at 45rpm, it is recommended to give the platter a quick
spin clockwise as the ‘ON’ switch is pressed. This relieves strain on the motor and belt.
7 No maintenance should be necessary. If the turntable is working well, leave it alone. Some settling of
the anti-vibration feet may cause the turntable to lean backwards slightly after a few months, but this
is nothing to worry about.
8 Don’t use any polishes on the turntable or lid. To clean or dust, wipe gently with a soft cotton duster
(slightly damp, only if necessary).
9 The tonearm is automatically earthed (or ground) through the arm cable screening. No other earthing
should be necessary.
10 Save the packing, in case the turntable has to be transported in the future.
11 When the record reaches the end of one side, remember to lift the stylus off the surface of the record
using the lift/lower mechanism.
33rpm 45rpm
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Marca NAD
Modello C 555i
Categoria Giradischi
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.65 MB

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Domande frequenti su NAD C 555i Giradischi

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Ogni quanto devo sostituire l’ago nel giradischi? Verificato

Dipende dall’ago ma in genere un ago dura dalle 500 alle 2000 ore di riproduzione, a seconda della qualità dell’ago. Quando si acquista un giradischi di seconda mano, si consiglia di sostituire l’ago come precauzione. La mancata sostituzione dell’ago può provocare danni ai dischi.

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Manuale NAD C 555i Giradischi

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