Manuale Medisana TargetScale 3 Bilancia

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These scales are not suitable for people with pacemakers or other medical
implants. The body fat information may be inaccurate in people with diabetes
or other medical/physical limitations. The same also applies to very highly
trained athletes.
This device is not suitable for pregnant women!
Any treatment or diet for people who are underweight or overweight requires
the qualied advice of a professional (doctor, dietician). The values deter-
mined with the scales may be source of useful support.
Risk of tipping over! Do not place the scale on an uneven surface. Never step
onto a corner of the scales. When weighing yourself, do not stand on one
side or the edge of the scales.
Risk of slipping! Do not stand on the scale with wet feet. Do not stand on the
scale wearing socks.
Use the device only according to its intended purpose as specied in the
instruction manual. The warranty will be invalidated if the device is used for
purposes other than those for which it is intended.
The scale has been manufactured for domestic use. It is not suitable for com-
mercial use in hospitals or other medical institutions.
Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn es nicht einwandfrei funktioniert, wenn
es herunter- oder ins Wasser gefallen ist oder beschädigt wurde.
The scales have a measuring range up to 180 kg, 396 lb. Do not overload
the scales.
Place the scales on a rm, level base. Soft, uneven surfaces are unsuitable
for the measuring process and lead to incorrect results.
Do not use the scale in a location where extremely high temperatures or
humidity may occur.
Keep the scale away from water.
Handle the scale with care. The scale must not be subjected to impacts or
vibration. Do not drop the scale.
Stand carefully on the scale. Do not jump or hop onto the standing area. This
could lead to defects of the weighing mechanism.
Do not attempt to dismantle the scale, otherwise the warranty will be inva-
lidated. This unit contains no user-maintainable or user-replaceable parts.
Do not attempt to repair the device yourself in the event of a malfunction
since this will invalidate the warranty. Repairs should only be carried out by
authorised service centres.
Do not disassemble batteries!
Remove discharged batteries from the device immediately! Increased risk
of leakage!
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and mucous membranes! If battery acid comes
in contact with any of this parts, rinse the affected area with copious amounts
of fresh water and seek medical attention immediately!
If a battery has been swallowed seek medical attention immediately!
Insert the batteries correctly, observing the polarity!
Always keep the battery compartment well closed!
Remove the batteries from the device if it is not going to be used for an ex-
tended period!
Keep batteries out of children’s reach!
Do not attempt to recharge these batteries! There is a danger of explosion!
Do not short circuit! There is a danger of explosion!
Do not throw into a re! There is a danger of explosion!
Keep unused batteries in their packaging away from metal objects in order
to prevent short circuiting!
Read the instruction manual carefully before using
this device, especially the safety instructions, and
keep the instruction manual for future use. Should
you give this device to another person, it is vital that
you also pass on these instructions for use.
GB Safety Information
Scope of supply
Please check rst of all that the unit is complete and is not damaged in
any way. If in doubt, do not use
the appliance. Send it to a service point. The following parts are included:
1 MEDISANA Body analysis scale TargetScale 3
4 Batteries (Type AA, 1.5 V)
1 Instruction manual
Please ensure that the polythene packing is kept away from
the reach of children! Risk of suffocation!
In accordance with our policy of continual product improvement, we reserve the right
to make technical and optical changes without notice.
The current version of this instruction manual can be found under
Jagenbergstr. 19
41468 NEUSS
Warranty and repair terms
Please contact your dealer or the service centre in case of a claim under the warranty. If you have to
return the unit, please enclose a copy of your receipt and state what the defect is.
The following warranty terms apply:
1. The warranty period for MEDISANA products is three years from date of purchase. In case of a
warranty claim, the date of purchase has to be proven by means of the sales receipt or invoice.
2. Defects in material or workmanship will be removed free of charge within the warranty period.
3. Repairs under warranty do not extend the warranty period either for the unit or for the replace
ment parts.
4. The following is excluded under the warranty:
a. All damage which has arisen due to improper treatment, e.g. nonobservance of the user instruc
b. All damage which is due to repairs or tampering by the customer or unauthorised third parties.
c. Damage which has arisen during transport from the manufacturer to the consumer or during
transport to the service centre.
d. Accessories which are subject to normal wear and tear (batteries etc.).
5. Liability for direct or indirect consequential losses caused by the unit are excluded even if the
damage to the unit is accepted as a warranty claim.
The service centre address is shown on the attached leaet.
GB Body analysis scale TargetScale 3
´-´ button
SET button
´+´ button
Shining rings for target weight indication
6 Battery compartment (on underside)
Explanation of symbols:
This instruction manual belongs to this
device. It contains important information
about starting up and operation. Read
the instruction manual thoroughly. Non-
observance of these instructions
can result in serious injury or damage to
the device.
These warning notes must be obser-
ved to prevent any injury to the user.
LOT number
40414 TargetScale 3 10/2019 Ver.1.1
Technical specications
Name and model: MEDISANA body analysis scale TargetScale 3
Voltage supply: 6 V (4x 1,5 V, AA)
Measuring range: up to 180 kg/ 396 lb
Graduation: 0.1 kg/0.2 lb
Dimensions: 360 x 360 x 47 mm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Item number: 40414
EAN number: 4015588 40414 6
Connecting to VitaDock+
Free download of the VitaDock+ app in the app store or Google Play
store. Activate Bluetooth® on your iOS or Android appliance. Start the
app. Touch the Bluetooth® symbol to open the list of devices. Scroll
down the device list until you see the scales. Touch the arrow beside the
scales to start the setup process.
Initialise the scales
Make sure the scales are on a rm, level surface. If you only want to
weigh yourself but have moved the scales just before, you must rst ini-
tialise the scales. To do this, press your foot on the middle of the surface
of the scales. “0.0 kg” appears in the display. When the scales switch
off, they are ready for the step-on function. This procedure is not neces-
sary if you have not moved the scales.
1. Step onto the scales and stand still. The device switches on automati-
cally and the display briey shows ‚0.0 kg‘.
2. Your weight is measured, ashes twice and is then nally displayed.
3. Step down from the scales. The scales switch off automatically after 12
Weighing and measuring the body analysis values
The scales can store data for up to 9 people: sex, age, height.
1. Press your foot on the middle of the surface of the scales. „0.0 kg“ appears
in the display.
2. Press the SET button
. The last used personal data is ashing in the
3. Now press button 1 or button 3 to select the desired memory location
(0 - 8) for the user prole. NOTE: If you use the scales in guest mode
„P0“, no data is saved. The weight data cannot be transferred by Blue-
tooth® in this mode.
4. Press the OK-button
to conrm the selection. Now the symbol for
the sex is ashing in the display.
5. Set your sex by pressing button 1 or button 3 to select the appropri-
ate symbol in the display.
6. Press the OK-button
to conrm the selection. The preset height
starts ashing in the display.
7. Select your height using button 1 and button 3.
8. Press the OK-button
to conrm the selection. The preset age starts
ashing in the display.
9. Set your age by pressing button 1 or button 3.
10. Press the OK-button
to conrm the setting.
The preset target wieght starts ashing in the display.
11. Select target weight by pressing button 1 or button 3.
12. Press the OK-button
to conrm the setting.
13. The settings are now concluded. „0.0“ appears in the display.
Step barefoot onto the scales and stand still.
Place your feet on the electrodes
. First, your weight is displayed, then
difference between actual wieght and target weight is show. Next the va-
lues for BMI, KCAL, body fat, muscle, water and bone weight are shown
one after another in the display. The series of measured values is repea-
ted twice in the display. The scales then switch off automatically. Step off
the scales.
Target weight function
Three shining rings indicate how close you are to your target weight:
If difference between actual weight and target weight is +/- 0 to 1.5 kg,
inner ring is shining.
Within +/- 1.5 to 3 kg the middle ring is shining.
Above 3 kg difference the outer ring is shining.
The packaging can be reused or recycled. Please dispose prop-
erly of any packaging material no longer required. If you notice
any transport damage during unpacking, please contact your
dealer without delay.
Change the unit of weight
Press your foot on the middle of the surface of the scales shortly to acti-
vate the device. Then press
to select the unit.
Error messages
O-Ld = The scale is overloaded. LO = The battery is low and must be
replaced. ERR2 = Body analysis values cannot be calculated.
P1P2 or other combinations of memory locations = The scale recognizes
users already saved based on their weight. In this case, two users have
a similar weight. To select the correct user press the UP key for the left
value (example “P1”) and the DOWN key for the right value (example
“P2”). If your personal scales do not function to your satisfaction, check
the following before contacting a service centre: Check whether the
batteries have been inserted correctly. • Check whether the correct
unit of weight has been selected. Check whether the scales are free-
standing on a solid and even surface. They must not be touching a wall
or any other object. • Weigh yourself again.
Care and maintenance
Never use aggressive cleaning agents or stiff brushes. Clean the scale
using a soft and lightly moistened cloth. Never use abrasive cleaning
agents or alcohol. Do not allow any water to get into the unit. Do not use
the unit again until it is completely dry.
This product must not be disposed of together with domestic waste. All
users are obliged to hand in all electrical or electronic devices, regardless
of whether or not they contain toxic substances, at a municipal or commercial
collection point so that they can be disposed of in an environmentally
acceptable manner. Please remove the battery before disposing of the device/
unit. Do not dispose of old batteries with your household waste, but at a battery
collection station at a recycling site or in a shop.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.84 MB)
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Юлия 30-04-2023
La bilancia non diagnostica il corpo, dopo aver provato a diagnosticare, viene sempre visualizzato l'errore "ErrH".

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Marca Medisana
Modello TargetScale 3
Categoria Bilance
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.84 MB

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Domande frequenti su Medisana TargetScale 3 Bilancia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Perché sulla bilancia compare un peso irrealisticamente basso? Verificato

Per risultati ottimali, si raccomanda di utilizzare la bilancia su superfici piane e stabili. Se si posiziona infatti la bilancia su un tappeto, la misurazione può risultare falsata.

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Cosa significa IMC? Verificato

IMC sta per Indice di Massa Corporea e può essere calcolato dividendo il proprio peso in kg per l'altezza in metri quadri. Ad es., una persona che pesa 70 kg ed è alta 1,75 m ha un IMC di 22,86. Un IMC compreso tra 18,5 e 25 è considerato sano.

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Una pila del dispositivo si è ossidata, posso utilizzarlo ancora? Verificato

Sì, il dispositivo si può utilizzare ancora. Prima di tutto, rimuovere la pila ossidata. Non farlo mai a mani nude. Pulire quindi il vano della batteria con un cotton fioc bagnato di aceto o succo di limone. Lasciar asciugare e inserire le nuove pile.

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Posso usare una bilancia con i piedi bagnati? Verificato

Dipende dalla scala. Quando si utilizza una bilancia diagnostica è necessario che i piedi siano asciutti per eseguire correttamente le misurazioni.

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Manuale Medisana TargetScale 3 Bilancia

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