Manuale Joycare JC-323 Bilancia

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Thanks a lot for having chosen a Joycare bathroom scale. This is a useful tool in order to check your weight, whenever you want.
Max capacity: 180Kg
Graduation: 100 g
Tempered glass platform
4 Strain Gauge accuracy sensors
Large and easy to read LCD display
Kg/lb/st selection
Power supply: 1 lithium battery CR2032 (3V) included
Open the battery compartment under the scale. Remove the isolating tag and close the battery compartment. Select the weight unit kg/lb/st by the key placed
near the battery compartment. Put the scale on a hard, flat surface (avoiding carpets).The following scale turns on in response to pressure. .Step on the scale ;
the display show your weight. The scale will switch off automatically after few seconds.
To repeat the measurement
Step down the scale and wait for display showing 0.0 Kg; step on the scale again and measure your weight.
Attention: Stand still on the scale, distributing your weight evenly. Do not move.
Battery replacement
Open the battery case and insert 1 new battery paying attention to the polarity.
Please clean the unit with a damp and soft cloth avoiding any water seepage inside the scale. Do not use chemical detergents. Never deep the product into water.
Never step on the scale platform with wet foot. Do not store the scale in an upright position when not in use; this may cause battery exhaustion. Avoid shaking,
dropping or shocking the scale. This is a precision instrument and must be handled with care. Never try to repair the scale by yourself but always address to
specialised centres. On the contrary, the warranty will be not valid anymore. When the unit is not used for a long period of time, remove the battery, as matter
of fact its leaking can damage the appliance. As quality of batteries varies from brand to brand, the product warranty does not include damages to the product
caused by battery fluid leakage. When the scale is off, never place or lay any objects on its platform. Always
place and store the product away from heating sources, sunlight, dampness and sharp objects.
In case of problems
Check battery have been correctly fitted.
Check that you have selected the weigh unit.
Check whether the scale is on a flat, level floor and not touching against a wall.
Ensure whether you do not step on the scale until the display is turned off..
Low battery indicator
Whether the display shows “Lo” or it does not light up, batteries are flat. Please replace batteries.
Overload indicator
If “Err” is displayed, the scale has been overloaded (over 180 kg)
Use this product only for its intended purpose, as described in this instruction manual such as electronic bathroom scale for domestic use only.Any other use
should be considered improper and dangerous. Packaging components (plastic bags, cardboard, polystyrene etc.) must be kept out of the reach of children as
they have the potential to be dangerous and their disposal should be carried out according to the current regulations. These scales should not to be used to
weigh objects or substances in commercial transactions, to produce medicines, to calculate tolls, tariffs, taxes, premiums, fines, remunerations, indemnities or
fees of a similar kind determined by weight.
These scales are to be used for keeping one’s own personal weight under control, and are not to be used for diagnostic purposes or for medical treatment. Values
which may seem unusual or outside the norm should always be discussed with your doctor.
In order to avoid danger to the user of this device, the doses of any drug or therapy prescribed by one’s own doctor should in no circumstances be modified on
the basis of data calculated by this device. NB: to avoid possible injury, do not step on the edge of the platform.
This item is made in conformity with all the applicable European directives
The device (including its removable parts and accessories) must not be disposed of together with municipal waste at the end of its life, but in
compliance with European Directive 2002/96/EC. Since it must be handled separately from household waste, either carry it to a separately collected
waste disposal centre for electrical and electronic appliances or give it back to the retailer on purchasing a new device with the same purpose. Any
infringement will be severely prosecuted. Specifications and designs are based on the latest information available at the time of printing and subject
to change without notice.
The batteries used in this device must be disposed of in the special bins at the end of their life.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 1.43 MB)
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Pietro 01-12-2020
Ho cambiato la batteria e ora dopo i 100 kg mi da errore.peso 105

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María 28-06-2021
La bilancia dà un peso inferiore (quasi 10 chili) è su una superficie piana e livellata quindi non è questo il problema. Penso che sia un problema di calibrazione poiché ogni volta dà un peso diverso ma sempre ben al di sotto del peso attuale. Come si può risolvere? Grazie

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Marca Joycare
Modello JC-323
Categoria Bilance
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 1.43 MB

Tutti i manuali per Joycare Bilance
Altri manuali di Bilance

Domande frequenti su Joycare JC-323 Bilancia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Perché sulla bilancia compare un peso irrealisticamente basso? Verificato

Per risultati ottimali, si raccomanda di utilizzare la bilancia su superfici piane e stabili. Se si posiziona infatti la bilancia su un tappeto, la misurazione può risultare falsata.

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Cosa significa IMC? Verificato

IMC sta per Indice di Massa Corporea e può essere calcolato dividendo il proprio peso in kg per l'altezza in metri quadri. Ad es., una persona che pesa 70 kg ed è alta 1,75 m ha un IMC di 22,86. Un IMC compreso tra 18,5 e 25 è considerato sano.

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Una pila del dispositivo si è ossidata, posso utilizzarlo ancora? Verificato

Sì, il dispositivo si può utilizzare ancora. Prima di tutto, rimuovere la pila ossidata. Non farlo mai a mani nude. Pulire quindi il vano della batteria con un cotton fioc bagnato di aceto o succo di limone. Lasciar asciugare e inserire le nuove pile.

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Posso usare una bilancia con i piedi bagnati? Verificato

Dipende dalla scala. Quando si utilizza una bilancia diagnostica è necessario che i piedi siano asciutti per eseguire correttamente le misurazioni.

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Manuale Joycare JC-323 Bilancia