Manuale Johnson RSV125 Radiosveglia

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Carefully read the requirements in
this manual and keep in a safe place.
It contains important instructions on
the safety, use and future of your appliance.
This appliance is only for domestic use and
must only to be used for the purpose it was
specifically designed.
Any other use is considered improper and dan-
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible
for any damages caused by improper, incorrect
and negligent use. The installation must be car-
ried out according to the manufacturer’s in-
structions. The manufacturer shall not be held
responsible for any damages to people, animals
or objects caused by incorrect installation. The
safety of the electrical equipment is only gua-
ranteed if it is connected to an electrical instal-
lation equipped with a suitable earthing system
in compliance with the current standards on
electrical safety.
Do not leave parts of packaging (plastic bags,
foam polystyrene, nails, etc) within reach of
children or incapacitated people since they are
potential sources of danger.
Before connecting the appliance, check that the
technical data on the rating label corresponds
to those of the main electricity network.
In case of incompatibility between the outlet
and the plug, contact a qualified electrician for
the necessary adjustments.
Do not use adaptors, multiple plugs and exten-
sion leads.
However, if absolutely necessary only use ma-
terials that conform to the current safety stan-
dards and that are compatible with the
appliance and the main electricity network.
On using the appliance for the first time, re-
move any labels or protective sheets.
If the appliance is equipped with air inlets, make
sure they are never blocked not even partially.
The use of any electrical appliance involves the
observance of some fundamental rules. In par-
Do not immerge the appliance in water and do
not wet; do not use it near water, in the tub,
washbasin or near other recipients with liquids.
If the appliance should accidentally fall in water,
DO NOT try to touch it but immediately discon-
nect the plug from the mains power.
Then bring it to an authorised service centre for
the necessary controls.
During use, the appliance must be kept away
from any inflammable objects or substances or
Do not touch the appliance with wet hands or
feet. Do not use the appliance with bare feet.
Do not pull on the power cord or on the ap-
pliance itself to disconnect the plug from the
power outlet.
Do not leave the appliance exposed to atmo-
spheric agents (sun, rain…)
Keep the appliance out of reach of children or
incapacitated people and do not let them use it.
Disconnect the plug from the power outlet
when the appliance is not being used and be-
fore carrying out any cleaning or maintenance.
The power cord must be completely unwound
to prevent it from overheating.
The power cord must be kept away from heat
sources and/or sharp edges.
If power cord is damaged, have it replaced by
qualified personnel.
Switch off and contact a qualified technician if
the appliance should breakdown and/or not
function properly.
Any tampering or interventions executed by un-
qualified people will cancel the guarantee.
Use a soft and non-abrasive cloth to clean the
When the appliance is unserviceable and must
be eliminated, remove its cords and dispose of
it at an authorised disposal centre in order to
protect the environment.
Warranty does not cover any glass parts of the
The damages of the power supply cord, origi-
nate by the wear aren’t covered by guarantee;
the repair will be in charge to the owner.
Warranty does not cover any plastic parts of the
If the need should arise to take or send the ap-
pliance to an authorised service centre, make
sure to clean all its parts thoroughly.
For hygienic purposes, the service centre shall
reject appliances that are not perfectly clean on
the outside or inside without making any con-
trols or repairs.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.82 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Comprendiamo che sia bello avere un manuale cartaceo per i tuoi Johnson RSV125 Radiosveglia. Puoi sempre scaricare il manuale dal nostro sito web e stamparlo tu stesso. Se desideri avere un manuale originale, ti consigliamo di contattare Johnson. Potrebbero essere in grado di fornire un manuale originale. Stai cercando il manuale del tuo Johnson RSV125 Radiosveglia in un'altra lingua? Scegli la tua lingua preferita sulla nostra home page e cerca il numero del modello per vedere se è disponibile.


Marca Johnson
Modello RSV125
Categoria Radiosveglia
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.82 MB

Tutti i manuali per Johnson Radiosveglia
Altri manuali di Radiosveglia

Domande frequenti su Johnson RSV125 Radiosveglia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Cosa significano AM e PM? Verificato

AM significa Ante Meridiem e indica le ore prima di mezzogiorno. PM significa Post Meridiem e indica le ore dopo mezzogiorno.

È stato utile (230) Per saperne di più

Che cosa è il GMT? Verificato

GMT sta per Tempo medio di Greenwich (a volte chiamato UTC, tempo coordinato universale). È l’ora alla longitudine 0 che passa da Greenwich, vicino a Londra.

È stato utile (139) Per saperne di più

Qual è la differenza tra FM e AM? Verificato

FM e AM sono due forme di modulazione utilizzate per trasmettere un segnale. FM sta per modulazione di frequenza e AM sta per modulazione di ampiezza. AM è la vecchia forma di modulazione. La differenza principale è che il segnale FM è molto più forte del segnale AM.

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Manuale Johnson RSV125 Radiosveglia

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