Manuale H.Koenig WOD2 Raclette grill

Hai bisogno di un manuale per il tuo H.Koenig WOD2 Raclette grill? Di seguito è possibile visualizzare e scaricare gratuitamente il manuale in PDF in italiano. Questo prodotto attualmente ha 0 domande frequenti, 0 commenti e ha 0 voti. Se questo non è il manuale che desideri, contattaci.

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Unroll the power cord completely.
Check that the tension in force in the country where you are corresponds to that indicated
on the apparatus.
Connect the apparatus in a socket-outlet in good state, and connected to the ground, to
avoid any danger.
Disconnect the power source cable before any operation of cleaning of maintenance and
accessories assembly.
Stand the appliance on a table or flat surface.
Do not use or keep this product outside when it is raining.
Certain parts of the appliance can get hot. Do not touch them, as you may burn yourself.
Never modify the appliance in anyway.
§ Before plugging in your new Raclette grill, check to see that the electric circuit is not
overloaded with other appliances. This unit should always be operated on a separate 220-
240 volt, AC outlet which is able to supply min.16A
§ Be certain that your unit is resting level on the countertop. Avoid using pans that are unstable
and easily tipped. Place pan under heating element.
§ Turn the switch on 1 position. The pilot light will glow indicating the heating element is
energized and heating will begin immediately
§ The metal surfaces will become hot. Do not touch while is use. When cooking is finished, turn
the thermostat back to « O » position.
§ The surface is hot when using or before cooled. Never touch the appliance before it’s cooled
to avoid scald.
§ If the hotplate is not to be in use for a long period of time, it is recommended to unplug unit
from the outlet. This helps to prevent accidental burns.
Plug in the appliance.
Put the switch at the position “MIN”, the indicator comes on. Pre-heating time is 5 – 8 min
for the grill,
Because the surface is very hot, it is recommended to put the appliance on anti-flame and
heat-proof cushion. It is also recommended that the minimal distance between wall or
environmentally components is not shorter than 15cm.
It is possible that slight smoke smell comes out when first using.
When first use, drop some oil on the surface of plate then wipe it with dry cloth.
In order not to destroy the plating of Teflon, when turning or moving food, make sure a
wooden shovel is used.
Don’t put other mini pan which does not match the whole set on the appliance.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 6.44 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca H.Koenig
Modello WOD2
Categoria Raclette grill
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 6.44 MB

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