Manuale Gre PP200 Pompa piscina

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Assembly of pipes
The pipes should be assembled before and after the pump and should have diameters equal of
above those of the pump inlet. To avoid fiction loss, always use 50mm minimum diameter PVC pipe.
Increase the diameter for larger pipes.
The suction and expulsion pipes should never stay connected to the pump.
Well seal all the connections and the cover of the pump to avoid possible water leaks into the motor,
which could damage it.
Tests before starting the pump
Carry out the following operations before starting the pump:
Check that the power supply as well its frequency correspond to the information of pump
specification plate.
Before starting the pump, fill it with water for self-priming of the pump.
Check that the mains voltage and frequency correspond with those indicated on the pump
characteristics plate
The pump can continuously work.
Starting the pump
Start the pump only when the suction and expulsion tubes are connected to the inlet and outlet of the
pump. Check there are no obstacles in the pipes.
Maintenance and cleaning
Your new pump does not need any specific or programmed maintenance In the case that the
pump is not used during some time, we recommend dismantling it and cleaning it to be kept
in a dry and well-aired place.
If the electrical cable is damaged, the manufacturer, its agent, or any other qualified person to
avoid any danger should replace it to avoid any dangers.
Regularly clean your pump, removing any dirt from the filer so the inlet pipe is not blocked or the
pump damaged.
Pump components that, due to their normal use, suffer wear and/or tear must be regularly
replaced to ensure good pump performance.
For regular control:
Check that the mechanical parts are tightly secured and check the condition of the screws
supporting the machine.
Check that the power conductors and isolating parts are in their correct position, are secure
and in a good state of repair.
Check the temperature of the machine and the electric motor. In the event of a fault, stop
the machine immediately and contact the nearest Technical Assistance Service.
Check for machine vibrations. In the event of a fault, stop the machine immediately and
contact the nearest Technical
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 7.55 MB)
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Marca Gre
Modello PP200
Categoria Pompe piscine
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 7.55 MB

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