Manuale Bright Starts 10489 Walk-A-Bout Girello

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Use the walker only if the child meets ALL of the following conditions:
Can sit up by himself or herself (approximately six months of age)
Cannot walk by themselves
Weighs less than 26 lbs (12 kg).
Never leave child unattended. Always keep child in view while in walker.
The child will be able to move rapidly when in the walker.
Clean friction components regularly to maintain stopping performance.
Allow child to use walker only for short periods of time (20-minute intervals).
STAIR HAZARD: Avoid serious injury or death. Block stairs/steps securely
before using walker.
Use only on at surfaces free of objects that could cause the walker to tip over.
To avoid burns, keep the child away from hot liquids, oven ranges, radiators,
space heaters, replaces, and any other hot surfaces.
Keep all electrical components and other potential hazards out of reach. The
child will be able to reach objects previously out of reach.
Prevent collisions with doors, windows, and furniture.
Adult assembly required.
Care should be taken in unpacking and assembly.
Examine product frequently for damaged, missing, or loose parts.
DO NOT use if any parts are missing, damaged, or broken.
Contact Kids II for replacement parts and instructions if needed. Never
substitute parts.
Use el andador sólo si el niño cumple con TODAS las siguientes condiciones:
Se puede sentar por sus propios medios (aproximadamente a los seis meses
de edad)
No se puede caminar por sí mismos
Pesa menos de 26 lb (12 kg).
Nunca deje al niño sin supervisión. Siempre mantenga al niño a la vista
mientras esté en el andador.
El niño podrá moverse rápidamente cuando esté en el andador.
Limpie regularmente los componentes de fricción para asegurar la función de
Permita al niño usar el andador durante períodos breves (intervalos de 20
PELIGRO PARA ESCALERAS: Evite las lesiones graves o la muerte. Bloquee
rmemente las escaleras/los escalones antes de usar el andador.
Para evitar quemaduras, mantenga al niño alejado de líquidos calientes,
cocinas, radiadores, calentadores, hogares y cualquier otra superfi cie caliente.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.56 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Bright Starts
Modello 10489 Walk-A-Bout
Categoria Girelli
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.56 MB

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