Manuale Black and Decker GL530 Tagliabordi

Hai bisogno di un manuale per il tuo Black and Decker GL530 Tagliabordi? Di seguito è possibile visualizzare e scaricare gratuitamente il manuale in PDF in italiano. Questo prodotto attualmente ha 0 domande frequenti, 1 commento e ha 2 voti con una valutazione media del prodotto di 100/100. Se questo non è il manuale che desideri, contattaci.

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Grass Trimmer
Your purchase of this Black & Decker Reflex
trimmer and lawn edger assures you of years of
problem free trimming. The Reflex
not only trims
grass and edges the lawn (GL540), it also has a
unique totally automatic line feed system. You do
nothing - the Reflex
system means non-stop
trimming; by the use of a simple mechanism it
senses when the line has worn and, when needed,
automatically feeds out line to its optimum cutting
length. You just switch the unit on and trim.
Following is a list of the parts that will be mentioned
in this instruction leaflet and are shown in the
appropriate diagrams:
Body (1)
Secondary handle (2)
Trigger switch (3)
Switch handle (4)
Supply cord restraint (5)
Power inlet or supply cord (6)
Edge conversion button (GL540) (7)
Line trimming blade (8)
Cutting line (9)
Guard (10)
Guard retaining lugs (11)
Guard screw (12)
Guard screw hole (13)
Front edge (14)
Spool cover (15)
Spool cover tab (16)
Spool housing (17)
Eyelet (18)
Spool (19)
Arrow (20)
Line retaining hole (21)
Lever (22)
Instruction Manual
Safety instructions
Read all of this manual carefully, observing all
the recommended safety instructions before,
during and after using your machine. Maintain
your machine in good working order.
Familiarise yourself with the controls on your
machine before attempting to operate it, but
above all, be sure you know how to stop
your machine in an emergency.
Retain this manual and all other literature
supplied with your machine for future
Electrical connection
Your machine is designed for use on AC
(mains) electrical supplies only. Do not
attempt to use on any other supply.
Plug your machine into a power point,
never in a light socket.
Do not leave your machine unattended
whilst it is connected to the electrical supply.
Always switch off and remove the plug
from the mains before cleaning,
inspecting or adjusting any part of the
trimmer, or if the supply cord has
become damaged or entangled.
Double insulation
Your machine is double insulated. This
means that all external metal parts are
electrically isolated from the power supply.
This is achieved by placing an extra
insulation barrier between the electrical and
mechanical parts. Double insulation means
greater electrical safety and obviates the
necessity of having the machine earthed.
Power supply cord
The power supply cord should be
regularly inspected for signs of damage or
ageing and only used if in good condition.
Always keep the power supply cord
away from the cutting line (9), be aware
of its position at all times.
Never carry your machine by the cord or
jerk the cord to remove the plug from the
socket. Keep the cord away from heat,
oils and sharp edges.
Have damaged cords replaced
completely by your nearest Black & Decker
service centre. Do not attempt to do this
yourself as the switch handle is not
customer serviceable.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.57 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Philippe Paris 19-04-2022
Come allungare la linea di taglio

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Marca Black and Decker
Modello GL530
Categoria Tagliabordi
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.57 MB

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Manuale Black and Decker GL530 Tagliabordi