Manuale Bionaire BCH920 Termoventilatore

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BFH910, BCH920
BFH910, BCH920
DESCRIPTIONS (See Fig.1 & 2)
A. Main Housing
B. Control Panel
C. Front Grill
D. Carry Handle
E. Power Light
F Mode control
G Thermostat control
When using electrical appliances, basic safety
precautions should always be taken including the
1. Before connecting the heater, check that
the voltage indicated on the rating plate
corresponds to the main voltage in your
home/of ce.
2. WARNING: In order to avoid overheating,
do not cover the heater (
3. DO NOT position the heater directly under a
power socket.
4. Do not use this heater in the immediate
surroundings of a bath, a shower or a
swimming pool.
5. If the supply cord or plug is damaged, it must
be replaced by the manufacturer or its service
agent or similarly quali ed person in order to
avoid hazard. The heater contains no user
serviceable parts. Should the product suffer
damage or breakdown, it must be returned to
the manufacturer or their service agent.
6. Under the environment with electrical fast
transient, the product may malfunction and
require user to reset the product.
7. Do not use this heater with a programmer,
timer or any other device that switches the
heater on automatically, since a re risk
exists if the heater is covered or positioned
8. Only touch the heater with dry hands.
9. DO NOT use this heater outdoors.
10. DO NOT position where it can be touched by
children, especially the very young.
11. Allow a safe area around the heater away
from furniture or other objects; at least 50
cm from the top and sides and 200 cm at the
12. Do not use this heater when it is lying on its
13. DO NOT use the heater in rooms with
explosive gas (e.g. petrol) or while using
in ammable glue or solvent (e.g. when gluing
or varnishing parquet oors, PVC etc).
14. DO NOT insert any objects into the heater.
15. Keep the mains cord at a safe distance from
the main body of the heater.
16. If overheating should occur, the built-in
overheating safety device will switch off the
17. Do not place the cord under a rug.
18. The heater cannot be used adjacent to
curtains or combustible material. Curtains or
combustible material may be burned if the
heater was installed incorrectly.
19. This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge,
unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
20. WARNING: Risk of Fire. Discontinue
use if the outlet or plug become hot to the
touch. Overheating may indicate a worn
or damaged outlet. Consult a quali ed
electrician for outlet replacement.
21. CAUTION: In order to avoid a hazard due
to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cutout,
this appliance must not be supplied through
an external switching device, such as a timer,
or connected to a circuit that is regularly
switched on and off by the utility.
1. Make sure the unit is in the OFF (O) position
before plugging the heater into the wall
2. Place heater on a rm level surface. Once
plugged in, the power light (E) will illuminate.
Mode Control
Turn the Mode Control (F) to the desired setting:
O - Off Mode
If you want to shut off the heater at any time
of operation, turn the mode button to OFF (O)
position. The power light will remain lit until the
heater is unplugged.
- Fan only Setting
heater will run at Fan-only operation without any
heat output.
1- LOW Heat
The heater will run continuously at 1100W
(BFH910) and 1000W (BCH920).
2- HIGH Heat
The heater will run continuously at 2200W
(BFH910) and 2000W (BCH920).
NOTE: To start the heater operation, make sure
the Thermostat Control (G) is turned to the full
clockwise position.
- Thermostat Control
1. Before setting the thermostat, allow heater
to operate and warm up the room. As noted
above, you need to turn the Thermostat
Control (G) to the full clockwise position to
start the heater.
2. When the desired temperature/ comfort level
is reached, lower the thermostat setting until
the heater stops operating. This is done by
moving the the Thermostat control(G) anti-
clockwise toward the Frost Guard setting
). The thermostat is set to 5°C at the
Frost Guard setting ( ), the heater will turn
on automatically if the temperature goes
below 5°C so as to avoid a frost situation.
3. The control will now automatically maintain
the pre-set temperature level by turning the
heater ON and OFF.
NOTE: It is normal for the heater to cycle ON
and OFF as it it maintains the preset
temperature. To prevent the unit from cycling ,
you need to change the thermostat setting.
This heater is equipped with a technologically-
advanced safety system that requires the user to
reset the heater if there is a potential overheat
situation. When a potential overheat temperature
is reached, the system will automatically shut the
heater off. It can only resume operation when the
user rests the unit. If the heater shuts off, please
follow the specific reset instructions below:
1. Turn Mode Control to OFF (O) position and
the Thermostat Control fully anti-clockwise to
the Frost Guard setting.
2. Unplug unit from socket and wait 30 minutes.
3. Plug in and turn ON.
Turn off the unit.
Remove the plug from the wall socket.
Wait for the heater to cool down suf ciently.
You may clean the outside of the heater with
a damp cloth. DO NOT allow water to come
into the appliance. DO NOT use soap or
chemicals, which may damage the housing.
Allow suf cient time to dry before plugging
the unit back in the socket.
Clean the air inlet and outlet openings
regularly (with normal use at least twice a
year) with a vacuum cleaner.
Troubleshooting for your Heater
Trouble Probable Cause Solution
Does Not
Turn On.
Manual user reset is activated.
Not plugged in properly.
Electrical outlet does not hold
plug in securely.
Thermostat set too low.
Obstruction causing the heater
not to work.
Follow reset instructions listed in this
Ensure plug is properly inserted.
Make sure electrical outlet and circuit
breaker are working.
Have outlet replaced by a licensed
Turn Thermostat Control clockwise
until the heater restarts.
Unplug the heater and remove all
obstructions. Position your heater
at least 50cm away from obejcts for
the top, back and sides and at least
200cm distance away from objects for
the front grill.
Not Enough
Heater is in Low Heat or 1
Thermostat set too low.
Change setting to 2 (High Heat).
Turn Thermostat Control clockwise
until the heater restarts.
BFH910/BCH920-I_09MLM2.indd 4-6BFH910/BCH920-I_09MLM2.indd 4-6 6/30/09 9:34:27 AM6/30/09 9:34:27 AM
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Marca Bionaire
Modello BCH920
Categoria Termoventilatori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 2.33 MB

Tutti i manuali per Bionaire Termoventilatori
Altri manuali di Termoventilatori

Domande frequenti su Bionaire BCH920 Termoventilatore

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

In che modo la polvere influisce sull'efficienza di un riscaldatore? Verificato

La polvere può accumularsi sugli elementi riscaldanti e nei filtri dell'aria di un riscaldatore, riducendone l'efficienza. Ciò può far sì che il riscaldatore lavori di più per produrre la stessa quantità di calore, con conseguente aumento del consumo di energia e bollette più elevate. Per mantenere l'efficienza del riscaldatore, assicurarsi di pulirlo regolarmente e sostituire il filtro dell'aria secondo necessità.

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Come faccio a determinare la dimensione del riscaldatore di cui ho bisogno per una stanza? Verificato

La dimensione del riscaldatore necessario per una stanza dipende dalle dimensioni della stanza e dall'isolamento dello spazio. Una regola generale è quella di utilizzare 60 watt per metro quadrato di spazio. Ad esempio, se una stanza è di 14 metri quadrati, sarebbe appropriato un riscaldatore da 840 watt.

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Manuale Bionaire BCH920 Termoventilatore

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