Manuale Alpina SF 5000 Breeze Ventilatore

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Place the appliance on a stable, even surface, away from hot objects or open flames (e.g.
Lay the cable – and the extension cable, if required – in such a way that it cannot be
inadvertently pulled and no one can trip over it.
This device is not suitable for commercial use nor for use in open air. Do not use fan in a
You should never leave the device unattended during use.
Children cannot recognize the hazards which attend improper handling of electrical
devices. Therefore, children should never use electrical domestic appliances unsupervised.
Remove the mains plug from the socket when the device is not in use and before cleaning.
Never attempt to put any object or your fingers into the fan while the fan is in operation.
Never operate the fan without the protective grille, and do not cover the grille.
Remove all packaging material.
Pull power cord (7) out slightly.
Put the rear base (2) on the body (1) by inserting the cylinders under the body (1) to blind
holes on rear base (2).
Put front base (3) on rear base (2) and body (1), fix body (1), rear base (2) and front
base (3) with screws (4).
Press power cord with cord mount (6) and fix the screws (5).
Connect the mains plug to a suitable socket.
The fan has 3 speed levels:
0 – on/off
1 – low
2 – medium
3 – high
The air flow can be angled to left or right by pushing the button of body oscillating switch
(3). If you want to stop angling, push it again.
Automatic 120-minute timer: Turn the knob of timer to position which set the time you
want, the fan will stop when the timer is over, The longest time set is 120 minutes. In
case the timer is not use, set the timer to “ON”.
Please also observe the safety advice for this.
The exterior of the fan can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
Do not use any harsh cleaning agents or hard brushes.
Operating voltage : 230V~50Hz
Power consuption : 50W
Before delivery our devices are subjected to rigorous quality control. If, despite all care,
damage has occurred during production or transportation, please return the device to your
dealer. In addition to statutory legal rights, the purchaser has an option to claim under the
terms of the following guarantee:
For the purchased device we provide 2 years of guarantee, commencing from the day of sale.
During this period we will remedy all defects free of charge, which can be demonstrably
attributed to material of manufacturing defects, by repair or exchange.
Defetcs which arise due to improper handling of the device and malfunctions due to
interventions and repairs by third parties or the fitting of non-original parts, are not covered
by this guarantee.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.17 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Alpina
Modello SF 5000 Breeze
Categoria Ventilatori
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.17 MB

Tutti i manuali per Alpina Ventilatori
Altri manuali di Ventilatori

Domande frequenti su Alpina SF 5000 Breeze Ventilatore

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Un ventilatore influenza la temperatura di una stanza? Verificato

No, un ventilatore sposta solo l’aria, apportando una sensazione di freschezza alla pelle.

È stato utile (149) Per saperne di più

Qual è il posto migliore per un ventilatore? Verificato

Se c’è una fonte di aria fredda, come un condizionatore, il ventilatore può essere utilizzato per distribuire meglio e più lontano l’aria fredda. Se si utilizza invece solo il ventilatore si consiglia di posizionarlo all’altezza della testa. La testa è una delle parti del corpo che suda di più e muovere l’aria aiuta a disperdere il calore, fornendo una sensazione di freschezza maggiore.

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Manuale Alpina SF 5000 Breeze Ventilatore

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