Manuale Aiptek P8 Cornice digitale

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Users Manual
Welcome to Aiptek
Dear user, thank you for purchasing this 3D digital photo frame.
Aiptek 3D P8 is part of the new Aiptek 3D product line with camcorders and digital photo
frames. Thanks to the latest 3D Parallax Barrier technology, P8 is a great companion to view
3D videos and pictures without 3D glasses. With Aiptek 3D P8, you can enjoy 3D videos and
pictures on a 20.3 cm (8”) display wherever you are. Additionally, 2D content is automatically
displayed in 3D powered by the intelligent 3D conversion engine inside the 3D photo frame P8.
The illuminated touch keys make the products easy to use and elegant in any private and
business occasion.
Before you start using the product, we recommend reading this user’s manual to obtain the
best results with your new digital picture frame. We wish you have a lot of fun.
Safety Precautions
1. Keep the device and packaging materials out of the reach of infants and children.
2. Avoid subjecting the power adapter and other contacts to dripping or splashing water and
dry your hands before you use it. Do not place objects filled with liquids such as vases, etc.
on or near the device.
3. Make sure that the used power outlet is always readily available and never hidden. In case
of emergency, use the power adapter to separate the device from the power network.
4. Keep your device away from all flames such as candles and do not set them up in the
vicinity of the device.
5. Keep the unit at least 10 cm away from other objects. Make sure the ventilation is not
covered by newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.
6. For your own safety, do not use the picture frame during thunderstorms or lightning.
7. To ensure safety and the display effect, always use the power adapter supplied by the
8. The battery is integrated with the device. Do not dissemble and modify. The battery should
be replaced by qualified service staff only.
9. To ensure normal operation of this product and avoid any damage, do not use or store this
product under the following conditions: environment with too low/high temperature; places
with high humidity or long-term direct sunshine; bad conditions involving strong impacts.
10. During the operation, this product may heat lightly, which is normal.
11. Wait before connecting the mains adapter if the device has been moved from a cold
location into a warm one. Any condensation that has formed may in certain circumstances
destroy the device. As soon as the device has reached room temperature it can be used
without risk.
12. Handle the product with care. Avoid contact with sharp objects. Keep device away from
metallic objects.
13. Place the digital photo frame on a flat surface. Any collision or falling to the ground is likely
to damage the product.
14. The screen (LCD panel) of this product is made of glass, which can easily be damaged by
abnormal external force or sharp objects.
15. Never press the LCD, lest it be damaged. If liquid crystal leaks, you need to clean it
immediately with soap and water.
16. Do not drop the frame or disassemble the product otherwise the warranty voids. Opening
or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all
servicing to qualified service personnel.
17. According to the manufacturer, for the colored LCD a 0.01% pixel-sum flaw rate is
allowable. Your understanding is appreciated.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 9.6 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca Aiptek
Modello P8
Categoria Cornici digitali
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 9.6 MB

Tutti i manuali per Aiptek Cornici digitali
Altri manuali di Cornici digitali

Domande frequenti su Aiptek P8 Cornice digitale

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Cos’è un megapixel? Verificato

Un megapixel (MP) equivale a un milione di pixel. I megapixel sono usati, tra l’altro, per indicare la risoluzione di fotocamere e videocamere digitali. Ad esempio, una fotocamera che realizza immagini di 1280x960 pixel ha una risoluzione di circa 1,3 MP. Pur essendoci molti fattori che influiscono sulla qualità di un’immagine, si può dire che con più megapixel si ottiene un’immagine migliore.

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Cosa significa SD? Verificato

SD sta per Secure Digital. Le schede SD sono il supporto di memorizzazione standard per molte fotocamere digitali.

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Manuale Aiptek P8 Cornice digitale

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