Manuale AEG Voxtel R200 Ricetrasmittente

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Battery charge at very low level. When the battery
level reach it minimum level in on mode, unit will emit
two beep tone and automatically turn off the power
and proceeds to watch mode.
3.6 Battery life
The unit has a built in power saver to make the batteries last longer.
But when you are not using the units, turn them off to conserve battery
4.1 Transmitting range
The talk range depends on the environmental and terrain. It will be
reach up to about 8 km in wide open spaces, without obstructions
such as hills or buildings. Don’t try to use two PMR units which are less
than 1,5 m apart. If you do, you may have experience interference.
Important safety warning:
tTo reduce radio frequency exposure when you are using your PMR,
hold the unit at least 5 cm away from your face.
tNever use your unit outdoors during a thunderstorm.
tDon’t use the unit in the rain.
tIf your unit gets wet, turn it off and remove the batteries. Dry the
battery compartment and leave the cover off for a few hours. Don’t
use the unit until it is completely dry.
tKeep the unit out of reach for babies and young children.
4.2 Turning the unit on/off
To turn on:
tPress and hold the power button
until the LCD screen turns on
and displays the current channel.
To switch off:
tPress and hold the power button
until the LCD screen turns blank.
>You can hear a tone each time to confirm.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 0.69 MB)
(Rispetta l’ambiente e stampa questo manuale solo se è veramente necessario)



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Marca AEG
Modello Voxtel R200
Categoria Ricetrasmittenti
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 0.69 MB

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