Manuale Salter 9174 WH3R Analyser Bilancia

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Instructions and Guarantee
HOW DOES THIS SALTER SCALE WORK? This Salter scale uses BIA (Bio Impedance
Analysis) technology which passes a tiny electrical impulse through the body to
determine fat from lean tissue, the electrical impulse cannot be felt and is perfectly
safe. Contact with the body is made via stainless steel pads on the platform of the
This method simultaneously calculates your personal weight, body fat, total body
water, BMI, Basal Metabolic Rate, bone mass and muscle mass, giving you a more
accurate reading of your overall health and fitness.
This scale stores the personal data of up to 10 users. As well as being an analyser
scale, this scale can be used as a conventional scale.
NEW FEATURE! This scale features our convenient step-on operation. Once
initialised the scale can be operated by simply stepping straight on the platform – no
more waiting!
PREPARING YOUR SCALE 1. Open the battery compartment on the scale underside.
2. Insert batteries (3 x AAA) observing the polarity signs (+ and -) inside the battery
compartment. 3. Close the battery compartment. 4. For use on carpet attach
enclosed carpet feet. 5. Position scale on a firm flat surface.
INITIALISING YOUR SCALE 1. Press the platform centre and remove your foot.
2.0.0’ will be displayed. 3. To change weight mode (kg/lb/st) press the or
button. 4. The scale will switch o and is now ready for use.
This initialisation process must be repeated if the scale is moved.
At all other times step straight on the scale.
WEIGHT READING ONLY 1. Step on and stand very still while the scale computes
your weight. 2. Your weight is displayed. 3. Step o. Your weight will be displayed
for a few seconds. 4. The scale will switch o.
1. Press the platform centre and remove your foot.
2. Press the button.
3. While the user number is flashing, select a user number by pressing the or
buttons. Press the button to confirm your selection.
4. The weight mode display will flash.
Press or button until the correct symbol is flashing, then press the button.
5. The male or female symbol will flash. Press or to select male/female/male
athlete/female athlete, then press the button.
Athlete Mode: An athlete is defined as a person who is involved in intense
physical activity of approximately 12 hours per week and who has a resting heart
rate of approximately 60 beats per minute or less.
6. The height display will flash.
Press or as necessary to set your height, then press the button.
7. The age display will flash.
Press or as necessary to set your age, then press the button.
8. The display will show your settings, then switch o. The memory is set.
9. Repeat procedure for a second user, or to change user details.
NOTE: To update or overwrite the memorised data, follow the same procedure,
making changes as required.
1. Position scale on a firm flat surface.
2. Press the platform centre and remove your foot.
3. Press the button.
4. Whilst the user number is flashing select your user number by pressing the
or buttons.
5. Wait while the display reconfirms your personal data then shows a zero reading.
6. When zero is displayed, with bare feet, step onto the platform and stand still.
7. After 2-3 seconds your weight will be displayed.
8. Remain standing on the scale while your other readings are taken.
9. Your weight, body fat %, body water %, BMI, muscle mass, BMR and bone mass
are displayed.
10. The scale will switch o.
BODY FAT -WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The human body is made up of, amongst other
things, a percentage of fat. This is vital for a healthy, functioning body - it cushions
joints and protects vital organs, helps regulate body temperature, stores vitamins
and helps the body sustain itself when food is scarce. However, too much body fat
or indeed too little body fat can be damaging to your health. It is dicult to gauge
how much body fat we have in our bodies simply by looking at ourselves in the
mirror. This is why it is important to measure and monitor your body fat percentage.
Body fat percentage gives you a better measure of fitness than weight alone – the
composition of your weight loss could mean you are losing muscle mass rather
than fat - you could still have a high percentage of fat even when a scale indicates
‘normal weight’.
Scarica il manuale in italiano (PDF, 3.5 MB)
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Marca Salter
Modello 9174 WH3R Analyser
Categoria Bilance
Tipo di file PDF
Dimensione del file 3.5 MB

Tutti i manuali per Salter Bilance
Altri manuali di Bilance

Domande frequenti su Salter 9174 WH3R Analyser Bilancia

Il nostro team di supporto cerca informazioni utili sul prodotto e risposte alle domande più frequenti. Se trovi un’inesattezza nelle nostre domande frequenti, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere utilizzando il nostro modulo di contatto.

Perché sulla bilancia compare un peso irrealisticamente basso? Verificato

Per risultati ottimali, si raccomanda di utilizzare la bilancia su superfici piane e stabili. Se si posiziona infatti la bilancia su un tappeto, la misurazione può risultare falsata.

È stato utile (2487) Per saperne di più

Cosa significa IMC? Verificato

IMC sta per Indice di Massa Corporea e può essere calcolato dividendo il proprio peso in kg per l'altezza in metri quadri. Ad es., una persona che pesa 70 kg ed è alta 1,75 m ha un IMC di 22,86. Un IMC compreso tra 18,5 e 25 è considerato sano.

È stato utile (1778) Per saperne di più

Una pila del dispositivo si è ossidata, posso utilizzarlo ancora? Verificato

Sì, il dispositivo si può utilizzare ancora. Prima di tutto, rimuovere la pila ossidata. Non farlo mai a mani nude. Pulire quindi il vano della batteria con un cotton fioc bagnato di aceto o succo di limone. Lasciar asciugare e inserire le nuove pile.

È stato utile (755) Per saperne di più

Posso usare una bilancia con i piedi bagnati? Verificato

Dipende dalla scala. Quando si utilizza una bilancia diagnostica è necessario che i piedi siano asciutti per eseguire correttamente le misurazioni.

È stato utile (447) Per saperne di più
Manuale Salter 9174 WH3R Analyser Bilancia